Monday, January 29, 2007

Happy New Year...

Okay, so I'm about a month late with the Happy New Year stuff (or just a couple of weeks if we're counting Ukrainian New Year).
Quite a lot has happened over the last couple of months.

My boyfriend and I had started feeding some stray cats that showed up in the backyard around the end of Summer/beginning of Autumn. There were 4 of them. A mommy and 3 little kittens. Being cat lovers we just couldn't resist feeding them. (We have 2 adults in the house at this point.) This is Sketch, with her head in the bowl and 2 of her kittens Zeus (the grey one) and one of the twins, either Cupid or Stupid.

Though we are able to feed them, we don't have the means to spay and neuter all of them. So naturally one day Stubs appeared. She was about a month old at the beginning of November. I tried to pet her but she was a quick little kitty. As November turned to December my man and I feared that Stubs would die when the weather turned cold. I know! It was really mild at that time here, but it was a good excuse to worry ourselves into adopting her. Could you resist this face?

Stubs is adjusting quite well. Though Tida doesn't want to be happy about it.

A kitten at my boyfriend's place in Scarborough. Me, there most of the time. We finally decided, or rather figured out that I was already practically moved in, so I brought my computer over to make it official. Its been working out pretty well. I have to commute now which sucks. But at least its not too long of a drive back to Richmond Hill.

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