Friday, January 27, 2006

Is it Springtime Yet?

This weather is confusing my system. One day it’s so cold the moisture in your nose creates little icicles. The next it feels like Spring is on the way.

Everyone around here is sneezing. Brother Jay’s allergies are acting up.
The cats are running around like little maniacs, trying to find a way out of the house. For some reason, when they haven’t been outside for a few months, they start thinking there are secret exits thru the closets or behind the water heater.

As for me, I feel wound up. I have plenty of things I’d like to get done, but I can’t seem to focus. I start one thing and jump onto the next without finishing – that is a Gemini trait – but I usually follow thru.

I did take advantage of the nice weather last Sunday. I went for a walk around the neighbourhood. But, silly me, I forgot my camera. And its too bad! I saw these beautiful cats in front of a house sunning themselves. They looked like they are ready for Spring to be here.

I’m not trying to complain :) I think this is one of the mildest Januarys I can remember. I like watching the snow melt. But it’s a real tease. My body and mind start adjusting to Spring, almost as soon as the sun hits my face on a nice day. Then the next, the wind is whipping snow up in my face and seeming to chill me straight thru to my bones.

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