Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A Parallel Universe

Have you ever looked into a mirror and thought that maybe the image was really you in a parallel universe? Or possibly that you could climb through into this mirror world, like Alice?

It seems my boyfriend found his way in...


A job well done!

We finished painting the bedroom this past weekend. I think it looks really good. Especially compared to what they did look like. This is before.



Pretty yucky! Tape marks on the wall, ugly trim and box (covers the fuse box). But we worked hard and turned it into this...

The cats were a bit upset. They like to hop in each of the windows during the day, but with the wet paint in the bedroom we had to close the door. Teegers kept crying at me to open up the room. She seemed happy once she got back in.


Next comes the carpeting...then we can set up the furniture. One room down!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Cleaning, Painting and Being a Woman - Oh My!

The weathers been yucky! Its THAT time of the month! And I've got to work today! On the bright side, they are fairly easy houses. We clean them every week:)

One of these ladies gave my mom 2 baby red-earred sliders. They were her kids' turtles, but I think that mom took care of them. She wasn't thrilled about that. I think she was a little afraid of them. So anyway, mom has new turtles. We named them Pickles and Ice Cream. (Pics coming soon!!)

This coming weekend my boyfriend and I are going to paint his bedroom. After teasing him about painting it pink or purple, we agreed on a colour almost instantly. "Wildflower Wind". Its a nice light blue colour. We had actually liked the darker blue on the same sample card, but it would have made the room feel really small. And I like painting. I love seeing the transformation. And everything looks so clean. So nice! If I can remember my camera for once, I will try to get some before and after shots.

Time is running out...I must get ready for work!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Back to Business

As usual, time is flying by. I had taken a few months off from my Ebay business, as there are less people scanning Ebay in the summer months. The original plan was to get ahead by writing up my listings and wait to post them until September. I ended up writing only 10 listings, when I have around 50 items to go on. I guess I have to admit there is a procrastinator in me.

In my defense my cleaning business has picked up. We now clean 4 houses in a row on one street, in addition to our other houses. All 4 are old Richmond Hill houses to my delight. We are planning to take over the whole street. (insert evil laughter here). And of course I'll admit, I've been spending tons of time with my man. more distractions...time to write up listings for a bunch of Bratz dolls and Barbie clothes.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Happy Birthday Brother Jay!!!!!

"Why was he born so beautiful? Why was he born at all?"

Tomorrow is my brother's birthday. I wanted to take this opportunity to say Happy Birthday directly from my blog...So Happy Birthday.

I'm gonna miss you, but at the same time proud and a little envious of you and your move.

Cheers to Brother Jay!

Separated At Birth?

Bea and Morty strike a pose.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Birthday Picnic

Though my birthday was on Monday, my boyfriend and I had Sunday to celebrate together. He surprised me with a picnic at Rosetta McLain Gardens. This park is just gorgeous. And the squirells are quite friendly too. In a somewhat secluded area of the park are the remains of Rosetta's house. I love old houses, so this was quite a treat to see.

The only info I could find on the park through google were photography. Seems lots of people have their wedding pics taken there. And who could blame them. If anyone out there has more info on Rosetta McLain I'd be thrilled if you let me in on it.

Thanks Sweetie for the lovely picnic!

My actual birthday wasn't very exciting. Due to the heat I was exhausted and allowed myself a long nap, which I usually feel guilty about. But heck it was my b-day, I'm allowed to indulge.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Brother Jay's Blog

I got an email from my bro yesterday with a link to his blog. I didn't even know he was writing one!

Well...He's impressed me. But maybe that's because he's my big brother:)

Check it out! I've add the link to Jay's Blog >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Do I Look Any Older?

I sure don’t feel it!

I turn 29 on the 29th. I'm still trying to drill that into my mind. All year I was thinking I was still 27 turning 28 this year. I even put my age as 27 on a form I had to fill out recently. My mom pointed out my faux pas. At least she remembers how old I am. Time sure flies!

I got an early B-day present!!!

This year my sweet parents and my brother got me a new digital camera. I love it!!!! Its a Fujifilm Finepix A400. Finally, I have optical zoom and a macro function for getting nice detail shots for things I list on Ebay. Now just to learn how it all works ;)

My old camera (Hp photosmart 120) has been past on to my brother. May it serve him well.

These pics are with the new camera. One is of the poo-factory geese, who will soon be banned from the yard. I love them and all but they make a huge mess. And that huge mess gets carried into the house. It’s not a good thing!

The other pic is my new friend, Curly. Well that’s what I call him anyway. He/she is the neighbours new dog. Here he is hanging out on the other side of the fence near where my garden should be….that still needs to be worked on. But at least now I have a friend to keep me company when I do get to work.

Project Update
I finally hooked another two rows on my rug. Yipee!!

Friday, April 21, 2006

No Hooking or Sowing

I haven't gotten much work done on my projects sadly! No gardening and only two rows done on my rug - :(

Between two Easters (Canadian and the following week Ukrainian) I guess I've been distracted. I must push myself to get to work on the garden for sure before it's too late. The rug I can take my time with. Must enjoy the sunshine!!

I would like to wish my favourite Aunt a very happy birthday this weekend!!!! Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Project #2

With the weather finally being nice it would seem kind of silly to start a latch hook project of this size. I can’t resist though.

My mom found this kit at our local thrift store for $3.00. The yarn is wool. The rug is 36 x 60 inches. Exactly what I wanted for a phenomenal price (these sell from the Shillcraft website for $200US – and that’s for acrylic, if you want wool you have to call them!!!)

This is as far as I’ve gotten in the last week (22 x 4 inches). We’ll have to see how far I get before the sunshine totally distracts me from it…Yea Spring!!!

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Project

Well it has been awhile. I’m back!!!
Today was a gorgeous day so I decided to do some yard work at my parent’s house and continue an on going project from last year. I had started to plan for a garden. The picture with the log and birdfeeder is my planned spot. I dug up all the weeds tilled the sandy soil, pulling out as many rocks as I could find. But that’s as far as I got. Now I guess I have to buy some soil and load it up. Luckily, I get to take the plants from my grandmother’s garden – free of charge!

Other than that I am quite clueless about gardening I would appreciate any free advice from you people with green thumbs out there ;)

I will try to keep a garden progress report on this blog.

This is of the view of Lake Wilcox from my parent’s backyard. When I was younger, my brother and I would spend the whole summer being fish.

This is my favourite willow tree. The last one of Willowbank. Lucky its there too – I think its holding the yard together.

Ahhhh! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the kids are playing street hockey! You can almost forget that you ever shovelled snow from your driveway just a few short months ago– ALMOST!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Story of Patches

My mom has been caring for animals since I could remember. Our cat Zeb was in her life before I was.

My brother and I had fish and birds. But of course Mom always took care of them. She cried when my bird Maxine, a green and yellow budgie, died.

From all this love of animals emerged a real saviour for some of the animals who entered our family.

My brother, my friend and I found a stray cat while we were waiting for the school bus. She was quite a pathetic sight. Her tail bobbed and the tips of her ears frostbitten. Sadly, my brother and I thought we couldn’t bring her home. We had Zeb and knew dad would be mad if we brought another cat home. So my friend grabbed the cat and took her home. Later that day my friend brought over “Tiger” to meet my mom. Mom says it was love at first site with that cat. For both cat and woman.

Tiger and my friend went home. And we let the little stray slip from our minds.

The next day, Tiger was outside our house. I know a block doesn’t seem far to travel, but Tiger was probably carried both ways to and from our house, but she still managed to find her way back to mom.

That was it. Mom had to keep the undersized, bobtailed stray. But dad and my friend were the problem. We hid the newly named Patches in the front porch (which we rarely used) to keep her warm at night and let her out during the day. She always came back to mom.

Finally, dad got suspicious. “Why is this cat always hanging around?” Finally we fessed up. “We love her. We gotta keep her. She loves us.” It was 3 to 1 for keeping the little thing. Yippee!!! But he soon fell in love with Patches too. Her sassy charm. Her toughness (she beat up on 2 huskies one day). What was not to love?

Mom fed Patches well. She started getting rather plump. I was happy that she looked so healthy. But it wasn’t just the good diet making Patches plump…she was pregnant! Oh! I was so excited. I’d never had kittens living in my house. Dad wasn’t impressed.

Soon the time came for little Patches to give birth. On Easter weekend, we prepared a cardboard box with some blankets behind to unused fireplace for her to use as a nest. The first one out was Batman. Mom caught the beginning just in time. A little black tail was coming out of Patches. Mom scooped her up and put her in the nest.

Batman, a tuxedo cat with a black mask on his adorable face, was the first born. I wanted to keep him, but old Zeb didn’t like having a tough little male kitten around. He ended up living with my dad’s friend’s family. They kept his name as Batman.

Second born was Ching Ching, same markings as Patches but she had almond shaped eyes which inspired mom to name her. Ching ching went to live with my grandparents. She was quite the high strung cat. Poor thing ended up dying from diabetes complications.

And the third and last born was Mootsca. A white and grey kitten. Neurotic kitten, who would cry when you picked her up. My brother called her W.C. for some time (w.c. = whine and complain). Because of her little crying problem no one wanted her. Another vote that dad lost…

Friday, January 27, 2006

Is it Springtime Yet?

This weather is confusing my system. One day it’s so cold the moisture in your nose creates little icicles. The next it feels like Spring is on the way.

Everyone around here is sneezing. Brother Jay’s allergies are acting up.
The cats are running around like little maniacs, trying to find a way out of the house. For some reason, when they haven’t been outside for a few months, they start thinking there are secret exits thru the closets or behind the water heater.

As for me, I feel wound up. I have plenty of things I’d like to get done, but I can’t seem to focus. I start one thing and jump onto the next without finishing – that is a Gemini trait – but I usually follow thru.

I did take advantage of the nice weather last Sunday. I went for a walk around the neighbourhood. But, silly me, I forgot my camera. And its too bad! I saw these beautiful cats in front of a house sunning themselves. They looked like they are ready for Spring to be here.

I’m not trying to complain :) I think this is one of the mildest Januarys I can remember. I like watching the snow melt. But it’s a real tease. My body and mind start adjusting to Spring, almost as soon as the sun hits my face on a nice day. Then the next, the wind is whipping snow up in my face and seeming to chill me straight thru to my bones.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

By popular demand....

Here is old big brother.

Also, introducing Morty Man!

This is where Morty hangs out when he wants treats. The treats are a bribe. Without them we might not be able to put moisture drops in his eyes everyday. He grew up in the ghetto, (a garbage dumpster behind a factory to be precise) he was outside in the cold and his eyelids didn't develop properly. Poor little Squirt!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

My Cats

In order (from top left)Patches, Binky, Trixie, Lucy and Mootsca.

Sadly, Patches, Mootsca and Binky have all gone to Cat Heaven. I miss those furry guys!

Do you have Wild Mood Swings?

If you do you might want to check out this site!

I found this cool site, while checking out the “Off The Wall” section on the Rogers Yahoo homepage.

“Wild Mood Swings” is a great site if you feel like surfing the net and don’t know where to begin. You pick a mood, and “Wild Mood Swings” will send you to a site to match!

Picking the mood “Satirical”, I was sent here. Read carefully now!

Déjà vu is perfect!
And “Horny” isn’t what you might expect!
So, what mood are you in? Where did Wild Mood Swings send you?

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Brad Pitt? In My Dreams

I had a dream last night that I was babysitting for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. The dream ended with me trying to help them get away from paparazzi, including a chase scene reminiscent of their movie "Mr & Mrs. Smith".

When I checked it out at this is what it says about dreaming of famous people:

"To see famous people in your dream, signifies an increase to your prosperity and honour."

Let's hope they are right. Of course it could also mean I read too many tabloids.
I'll keep my fingers crossed about the prosperity and honour. By the way, Angelina was cold and bitchy, while Brad was dreamy!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

January 11, 2005

Just recently I broke up with a guy I’d been seeing for almost a year. I thought everything was great. Everything was great. We have a lot of similar interests. Same sense of humour. Both like scary movies. And cats. He treated me way better than any other guy I’ve dated. Even bought me nice gifts (though that isn’t important, but it’s nice).

But there was something troubling me…I knew deep down inside that we didn’t want the same things, but for along time I didn’t want to admit it to myself.

In the time we’d been together we hadn’t had “that” serious talk that all couples should have. The “What do you want out of this relationship?” talk. I finally needed to get it out. I couldn’t stand pretending any more.

We got together one night and finally had “the talk”. The days leading up to this talk were excruciating. I knew it would be the end of “US”. Finally, he told me right out he didn’t want to live with or marry me (or any other woman) or have children. Well, I can’t live with that. I’ve always wanted children. We ended our relationship right there. Few tears were shed (by me of course). It was hard. Everything else was so great. It was one of the hardest things I’ve done. Seems silly though…having a hard time ending something because you’re not getting what you want. Surprisingly, I haven’t been that emotional about it. I’m usually in tears over Hallmark commercials. Maybe this cold I have is numbing my emotions.

In a way I’m glad its over…I am free to find someone who wants what I want. With me. But there’s always that fear that I will be alone. The lonely old lady down the road with lots of cats. Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad!!??!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

New Year, New Blogger

January 10, 2006

I have finally entered the world of blogging. After reading other blogs, including those of my family members’ for a year or so, I’ve jumped in. Cautiously at first ( I am actually writing this on MS Word before even signing up). I’m not sure I’ve much to say, but I guess everyone has something to say.
In my mind I have imagined what I’d say on a Blog of my own. Sometimes, in my mind, I just end up ranting about people who’ve done me wrong. But that’s too negative. Not good for the soul. I’ve contemplated writing a Blog for my cat, Trixie (she's the cute cat in the pic). Not very original…and really how far could I go with that? She sleeps on top of the fridge most of the day anyway. I could write about selling stuff on Ebay, but how much could I really write about that all the time? I’d rather just sell the stuff to happy customers and be on with the next thing to sell.
So, I figure I’ll just stick to the good old what-evers-on-my-mind sort of blog.
I’ll leave it at that for now…and contemplate what I might say next time.