Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A Parallel Universe

Have you ever looked into a mirror and thought that maybe the image was really you in a parallel universe? Or possibly that you could climb through into this mirror world, like Alice?

It seems my boyfriend found his way in...


A job well done!

We finished painting the bedroom this past weekend. I think it looks really good. Especially compared to what they did look like. This is before.



Pretty yucky! Tape marks on the wall, ugly trim and box (covers the fuse box). But we worked hard and turned it into this...

The cats were a bit upset. They like to hop in each of the windows during the day, but with the wet paint in the bedroom we had to close the door. Teegers kept crying at me to open up the room. She seemed happy once she got back in.


Next comes the carpeting...then we can set up the furniture. One room down!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Cleaning, Painting and Being a Woman - Oh My!

The weathers been yucky! Its THAT time of the month! And I've got to work today! On the bright side, they are fairly easy houses. We clean them every week:)

One of these ladies gave my mom 2 baby red-earred sliders. They were her kids' turtles, but I think that mom took care of them. She wasn't thrilled about that. I think she was a little afraid of them. So anyway, mom has new turtles. We named them Pickles and Ice Cream. (Pics coming soon!!)

This coming weekend my boyfriend and I are going to paint his bedroom. After teasing him about painting it pink or purple, we agreed on a colour almost instantly. "Wildflower Wind". Its a nice light blue colour. We had actually liked the darker blue on the same sample card, but it would have made the room feel really small. And I like painting. I love seeing the transformation. And everything looks so clean. So nice! If I can remember my camera for once, I will try to get some before and after shots.

Time is running out...I must get ready for work!