Monday, September 17, 2012

Number Nine

(Once again a little late on my ninth month update about John. Better late than never, right?)

John can climb the stairs on his own. In fact he insists on it. When I try to carry him up he leans outward and almost falls from my arms. I now let him crawl up so I don’t fear dropping him. Too bad he can’t climb down on his own. I would be able to rid the house of some of these baby gates. Maybe in about 9 months.

He is eating very well. Just like his big brother did at this age. I give him sweet potatos or squash with ½ a slice of whole wheat bread and he squeals with delight. I did forget how messy this whole process was – but he will soon be a pro and get more in his belly than he does on the floor.

John is starting to verbalize a lot. Especially with Daniel. When we are in the car the two of them have wonderful conversations in the back seat. Very adorable. He is saying dada and mama – but so far only to Aaron. When I ask him to say mama he usually blows me a raspberry. Lucky me!

I predidted that he would walk by the end of his ninth month. He is showing some progress. Cruising around holding onto furniture. He can even stand on his own for a few seconds. Especially if Daniel isn’t around to push him down.