Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Stubby's Hiding Spot

I love this pic...she looks like an owl.

Finally settling in...

It took 3 full days of cleaning before I was satisfied, but its starting to feel like home now. We've been upstairs now for 17 days, most things have been put in their place. The cats still want downstairs sometimes, but I think they are adjusting well. The only thing left to do is paint. The bedroom and computer room were painted a dark dark green. I am learning to really hate dark green. I have plans though. My man and I have decided that the office will be the light blue that we painted our old bedroom (the one in the basement). And I want the bedroom to be a lilac purple. I'm a lucky girl because my man says I can pick any colour I want as long as its not florescent. Yippee for me!!!

I have plans for the computer room closet. I want to set it up for my Ebay stuff. Should be easy enough...I hope.

It is nice having more space and sunshine. The kitchen skylight is my favourite part. I keep trying to shut the light off in there to conserve energy...