Thursday, August 17, 2006

Back to Business

As usual, time is flying by. I had taken a few months off from my Ebay business, as there are less people scanning Ebay in the summer months. The original plan was to get ahead by writing up my listings and wait to post them until September. I ended up writing only 10 listings, when I have around 50 items to go on. I guess I have to admit there is a procrastinator in me.

In my defense my cleaning business has picked up. We now clean 4 houses in a row on one street, in addition to our other houses. All 4 are old Richmond Hill houses to my delight. We are planning to take over the whole street. (insert evil laughter here). And of course I'll admit, I've been spending tons of time with my man. more distractions...time to write up listings for a bunch of Bratz dolls and Barbie clothes.