Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's Starting...ever so slowly

My water broke at around 2am this morning. I called triage and since I didn't have contractions was told to stay home rest, eat and walk around and make sure I feel the baby moving. Everything seems to be fine. Except that I've only gotten a few contractions. Nothing consistent!

I'm not sure how much longer I should wait. I did a google search, but some of those answers were stupid. One person suggested sex to bring on the contractions. One with broken waters is to do no such thing as it could cause infection.

So for now I am going to walk around the house. Hoping to bring on the contractions naturally. Then I'll call the triage again and ask them how long I should wait. I would like it to happen on its own. I've heard drug induced labour is intense.

Wish me luck...I'm so excited!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

39 Weeks…We’re getting very near the end

All there is left to do is wait. I’m terrible at waiting. We see the doctor again on Wednesday; hopefully she will see more progress. Or hey, we get to skip the appointment and go straight to the hospital.

Really, I am hoping for the baby to be born this Friday – his daddy’s birthday!

Friday, October 16, 2009

38 and a half weeks…or 9 days to go (hopefully)

The last doctor appointment we went to was routine. Only this time she did an internal at my curious insistence. And I mean how often does a patient ask for an internal voluntarily?

The cervix is softening. The baby’s head is engaged. Everything is ready to go. So now I wait impatiently. Over-analyzing every twinge and cramp. Wondering if I’ve packed all the right stuff for my hospital stay. Should I carry my hospital bag with me at all times? How many diapers do I have to bring? What will it all be like? Will the baby look like me, or his daddy?

So much excitement and anticipation, I don’t know how much longer I can take it :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

38 Weeks and Puffy

Right now even my fingers are puffy!!!

Monday, October 05, 2009

37 Weeks…Is it time yet?

Originally I had written a whole page about being in a bad mood. Blah! Rainy weather and being very pregnant got me there. But I am determined not to dwell on it – so the bummer post is scraped.

Today we go to the doctor – again! I understand the importance of checking my progress and the baby’s well being but I am truly getting sick of going. And my appointment isn’t until noon so I have to wait half the day to get it over with. Okay I’m complaining again! I will stop.

I have read that sometimes the doctor will check for effacement and dilation at these “near the end of pregnancy visits”. Not every doctor does though. I’m on the fence about having an internal at this point. I only want to know if there is some progress, if not then just let nature tell me when the time comes. But things don’t work that way do they? LOL

I have been getting more Braxton Hicks contractions, but nothing painful a.k.a real contractions : ) Once they pass, the little guy likes to kick me in the ribs a couple of times then he settles down.

I’ve been jumping between states of calm yet impatient urges of “let’s get the show on the road” to “Oh My God! I have to get this and that done before the baby comes!” I’m sure that’s normal. Please tell me I’m normal : )

After the appointment:

We arrived half an hour early. Yes, I actually got Hubby out the door early for once. Yipee! Someone was late for their appointment so we were seen right away. I love when the day just falls into place like that. Perhaps if we had shown up later, when our appointment was scheduled, the late person would have shown up too and made us have wait?

So everything looks good. The doctor seems to whip through our appointments, which is fine by me. Everything has been “normal” for the last 37 weeks by now there is no real concern for anything to go wrong. She did feel for the baby again and she said, “He’s way down there.” Good boy!

I asked about an internal and she said she would start that next visit. It would be so nice if things started rolling soon. I’m just so excited to be a mommy.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

37 weeks pregnant

37 weeks pregnant
Originally uploaded by lovey_dovey9

So happy to say that I have gotten this far without gaining any pregnancy stretch marks. (None that I can see anyway - and I can't see much past the top of my belly) :-)