Sunday, November 27, 2011

37 weeks

I really can't believe there's only 3 weeks left until the due date.

My personal Christmas tree inspector.

This little guy is excellent big brother material.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Lookin' Good

I saw my ob/gyn today. She says that I still look like a good condidate for a VBAC. I'm very happy to hear that. I had all my questions answered and I didn't even have to refer to my notes. Question one was about how things were looking for the VBAC.
Question two was how much time we would have to get to the hospital once labour starts. This was more a concern of Aaron's. We might have to wait for my M-I-L to drive a half hour to us to babysit Daniel and then it would take us another 20 to 30 minutes to get to the hospital ourselves. According to the doctor we likely have up to 8 hours of labour so we should be okay. If we are really freaked out we can just take Danny with us. Not my first choice but I guess if we were stuck...
And my last question was if and when she would check internally for what was going on in this baby making machine. And that will be at 38 weeks. So we just hope that this little guy stays head down and keeps on lowering like he's supposed to. Other than that we just wait for nature to take its course. Being a bit of a control freak I really do wish there was a way to predict labour. For now its a guessing game. And every little twinge is under speculation. ;)

I took this picture because I am sure I have dropped. This kid now sits in my lap fighting for space with his big brother.

And speaking of the big brother I couldn't resist a few updates about the big man.
His newest hobby is Playdoh. I'm glad I have some ideas for Santa this year.

Yesterday, Daniel and I put up the Christmas tree. I admit its a bit early however I'm not sure how much time I will have to do it later and I really wanted Dan to have a nice festive Christmas this year. Strangely though my Buzz Lightyear tree decoration has gone missing.

We have been trying to explain as best we can that Daniel will be getting a little brother soon. And that he currently resides in mommy's tummy. Today he said "Baby Brody" when I asked him to say Baby Brother. Too cute for words.

And speaking of hobbies. Here's another one. I caught Daniel adding some crayon colour to our tv room walls. Yes, he knows its wrong. But its just so fun.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Almost 36 weeks...

And getting impatient, even though I have a ton of things to do before baby's arrival.

I do not go to the doctor until this coming Monday but I would like to ask if we are still considering a scheduled c-section or if we will let nature take its course (my vote is for nature - fingers and toes are crossed).

I still have my nights of insomnia but not all the time. I've been forcing myself to at least rest, if not nap in the afternoon while Daniel snoozes (Thank God he still naps!!) I've been trying to explain to him that we will be bringing a baby home soon. I've gotten him to kiss the baby (my belly) but he is only two so I'm not so sure he knows what the heck mommy is talking about.

Since I stopped working a couple of weeks ago my back has been much better. I've also stopped picking up Daniel unless absolutely necessary (like when he tries to run out into the street when we go outside - another Thank God for the fact that we aren't on a busy street.) By the way, little D insisted on weighing himself at my last doctors visit. He's now a whopping 32Lbs and just under 3 feet tall.

I did have some cramping and contractions the other night but they went away. I almost got excited there for a moment, but I haven't packed my hospital bag yet. :-P

Yes I am tired and it shows.

I had to compare my pics from this time last time because I feel so much smaller (and I've gained less weight) but I think I look pretty much the same.