Thursday, April 12, 2012


This is the usual result when I try to take a picture of Daniel. He must reach for the camera. He likes to help take pictures of John.

The last couple of nights Daniel has been going to bed earlier. I don't know if its the weather or the fact that he hasn't been napping and that finally caught up to him. Tonight he fell to sleep almost upside down on the couch.

We are enjoying the early nights while they last!

The fourth month

Well, life was less hectic with more than one child. But it wasn't this much fun either.

I was just talking with my Aunt-in-law over the Easter weekend. We were commenting on how parenting the second child is so much more relaxed. Where you would have freaked out with the first child, things are just fine with the second child. Oh, he's sleeping with the blanket over his head? He's fine!

This is a picture Daniel helped me take. Of course Daniel's focus was on his dandylion. I agree with Daniel - Dandylions ARE flowers.

I love how much this baby giggles. I don't remember Daniel laughing and talking this much at four months. He even likes that Bumbo seat which Daniel hardly used.

I am already gearing up for a summer yard sale to sell some of this baby gear that we have. I forgot how much luggage these little creatures bring with them.

Little John has rolled over twice in the last month. Ya! Amazing isn't it? LOL