Sunday, August 29, 2010


The new tenants are all moved in downstairs. And lucky us they brought their cat. I'm sure I'll get some pics of our new friend shortly.

Having to clear out the basement and fit everything upstairs has been a challenge. As well as an enlightening experience.

I've decided to let go of the things I was keeping to sell online. Some of the stuff I had been holding onto for years without success selling it. My brain kept telling me that its worth something so hold onto it. And when I do sell something, I get anxiety over the shipment because the customers were constantly complaining that the item hadn't reached them instantly. So to ease my stress level online auctioning is out of my life. At least where selling is concerned.

While I've been unloading my junk decluttering is constantly on the brain. I keep thinking of the TV show "Hoarders", and telling myself at least I'm not that bad. But I am understanding more where these people are coming from. Attachment to objects that really have no meaning or value seems really silly, but then why is it so hard to let go of the 1994 edition of Rolling Stone magazine? Its not that I even look at it at all.

Now a lot of this stuff is gone or going. And I feel so much happier for it.

Then yesterday I found one of my favourite bloggers had decluttering on her mind too. I had to comment, making note that I couldn't bear to rid myself of my old journals.

That comment has been on my mind all night. And I finally feel that I can let go. For one, I told myself, I rarely reread what was written. And two, my journaling was brought on by negatives. If my life was difficult, confusing or I was fighting with someone I would journal. When things are going well I rarely pick up my pen. And thirdly, everything's on computers these days. ;)

So a special thank you goes out to the Empress for the great inspiration. I am looking forward to the next part of your story.

May we all free ourselves from our burdens and live happy, clutter-free lives.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Double Digits

Daniel is Ten months old today. Where does the time go? He is very close to learning to walk. I'm pretty sure that by his 12th month he will be fully mobile. His vocabulary is expanding and he actually understands the difference between mama and dada.

I think becoming a parent has an effect on a parents space and time. The amount of space all his toys take up. And boy time really does fly.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's Moving Day...

not for me, but for my nephew and his girlfriend. Although it does feel like moving day for me too. They are moving into our basement (the apartment Aaron and I lived in when we first got together). After having the whole house to ourselves for a couple of years we've accumulated a lot of stuff. I have been frantically going through all the stuff (of course alot of it is mine or Daniel's - stuff I'm holding onto for the next kid). Though part of me likes going through everything and deciding what to keep and what I can let go of, it is a lot of work.

We now have our computers and two desks upstairs in our tv/playroom/livingroom. Daniel is very curious about our computers. So to distract him we gave him an old cordless keyboard. He's still curious about our computers, but it does help to distract.

I was going to leave this entry without a picture of our favourite little man, but I thought some of you might be upset if I did ;)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Grampa Mark!

Happy Birthday to my dad who has been working away on our basement bathroom...(yipee we're almost done!)

BTW Daniel and Grampa are sitting in the comb back windsor rocker that Daniel's talented Grampa made by hand!!

Monday, August 09, 2010

Daniel and Teegers

From day one Teegers had been like a little guardian for Daniel. She has followed him around the house. Gotten upset when we take him out of the house. Makes sure we know when he is crying.

Since he has started crawling (Holy Crap he's almost walking!!!) she's having a bit of trouble keeping up with her duty. Daniel loves the cats. He loves to pull their tails and paws when he can. He likes to pinch their fur and bury his face in their sides. The cats are not thrilled about this and we do try to prevent it. The cats are good - they haven't retaliated yet. And Teegers can't seem to stay away despite the abuse.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Catching Up

Times have been hectic in my world. Beginning in September my Nephew and his girlfriend will be renting out our basement apartment. Before that happens though my dad has been redoing the bathroom. I mean ripped down to the guts redoing. The old bathroom was quite a mess with a rotting floor, peeling paint etc.. More on that once it is fully complete...we're getting really close.

And the little guy is growing and moving and learning at a pace I didn't believe was possible. Daniel is nine months old now. He can say "Mama" (usually when he's upset but its a start), Da (he's more laid back with his daddy) and "Ba" for our cat Bee. Or it could be for all the cats in general I haven't figured that out yet. And I swear one day he said kitty cat, but I haven't heard it repeated yet.

He is learning to balance. He holds onto furniture and uses it the help himself around the room. And wait --- he's even smarter than that... the other day he pushed his toy piano up to the couch and used it the climb up. Thank goodness I was close by.

Daniel also loves his food. And like a typical man he goes for the meat first. He also enjoys sweet potato. And he absolutely LOVES Cheerios. Aaron has been calling them OO-OO-OHs for the baby. The other day when they were out for a walk Aaron thought Daniel was just singing "OO-OO". He's made these noises for months. So Aaron decided to sing along only to hear a demanding little person say "OO-OO-OH".
(yes, I'm embarassed to admit that is a dust bunny attached to Daniel's knee. Funny how he can find the little knooks where the dirt gathers - time to vacuum!!! But how could I resist a picture of Daniel showing his admiration for his fave composer Beethoven?)
One little problem we've been having lately is Daniel has been biting. He'll come up to me for a hug and then like a little vampire he tries to dig his teeth into my shoulder. I guess this is our first true test as parents. "Okay folks, you can feed him and change him. Even give him a bath and prevent him from pulling the DVD player on top of his little head, But can you stop this child from biting?" I guess we better work on that :)

Kisses everyone!