Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Does pregnancy make you psychic?

When we first found out we were pregnant my hubby and I decided it was a boy. My parents decided it was a girl. Don't ask me how we came up with this. Just a silly fun thing to predict.

However, in my dreams I will see a little girl climbing onto my lap. Or my dream last night (all I can remember of it) I was told its a girl.

Can pregnancy dreams predict the gender?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Week Ten

My first day of week ten. Yipee! The morning sickness is subsiding, though that awful taste still appears at some point during my days. I'm having to pee a lot more. I woke up twice last night. I'm normally a heavy sleeper who doesn't get up for anything until morning. Guess I can consider it preparation for getting up to feed and change the baby in about 30 more weeks.

I weighed myself on a reliable scale on Friday (pre-pregnancy it always read the same as my doctors scale). All of a sudden I am 5 pounds heavier. According to the books and websites I should gain about 3 lbs in the first trimester. Hope I haven't over done it. There's no turning back now :D I guess if I'm gaining too much the doctor will tell me in a week or so. For now I'll blame my hubby for taking me out for food too much. And indulging me in my craving for McCain Deep and Delicious cake. Darn commercials!!!

Although I feel the weight gain, especially when trying to squeeze into my jeans, Hubby claims not to notice any growth in me other than the breasts. However, mom and Baba have noticed my hips widening. It's all expected, but what I'm looking forward to is my baby bump. I'll be posting pictures on first siting!

Monday, March 23, 2009

I Peed on a Stick

A long anticipated has finally occurred in my life. I am pregnant. I think I've been wanting to be a mom since I was a baby. It still seems unreal, as I am only 9 weeks along. So I'm not showing yet. And I haven't gotten an ultrasound yet.

I did the home pregnancy test on February 17th. The day after Ontario's new Family Day holiday. I was tempted to take it on Family Day, but more than a few times since we've started trying I have taken test, that turn out negative and then to my disappointment Aunt Flow would come along. But of course I couldn't wait THAT much longer ;)

For some reason I couldn't get a clear shot. But there are two lines there. It was still a bit faint, which made me wonder... but I had seen so many definite negatives before.

For the past 3 or 4 weeks it has certainly been confirmed with the event of morning sickness. Or I should say all day long sickness including an awful soap like taste in my mouth. It hasn't been as bad as some women get. I rarely actually toss my cookies. The thing I find strange is that through the nausea I still have an appetite. Just some things I can't stand the thought of...like chicken. But my homemade egg mcmuffins seem to be a miracle. They keep the nausea at bay and they taste wonderful. I just have to make sure I don't eat too many.

I have only gained a pound or two, but my breast have jumped a whole cup size. I'm small to begin with, but these things are really in my way. Especially at bedtime.

I'm looking forward to my first meeting with the obstetrician on April 8th. And my first ultrasound a week later.

More updates to come...