Monday, April 26, 2010

Mr Grumpy Pants

Our usually happy baby has turned into a grumpy little man. Who would have thought one little tooth could cause so much trouble. We are lucky - He's still pretty easy to get along with. We just have to suffer with looks like this one.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

He bit me

Danny's first tooth has finally poked thru.

Yesterday he decided to tell me this by sticking my finger in his mouth and biting down. I was surprised. There's something sharp in my baby's mouth!

I hope he is eager to try new foods. He's been gobbling up his rice cereal happily.

I plan on making my own baby food. It seems easy enough. Who knows I may even start eating healthier.

Sweet potatoes on the menu for next week. Hope he likes them.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Could he be any better?

Little D was christened on Sunday. After a little bit of panic (the Godmother was will do that to you :) ) the ceremony went rather smooth. The priest has a quirky sense of humour. It definately wasn't boring. The most surprising thing...Little D didn't cry at all. Not even while having water poured on his head. Being passed around from me to the Godmother. Being annointed with holy oil. He just acted like it was his usual routine. He even start yawning.

Being my usual predictable self, I didn't get many pics. In fact these are the only shots a took, minutes after dressing the star of the show. Luckily, quite a few family members got some really nice shots

Gotta love the hat!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

His Big Day

Today is the little man’s big day. He will be christened in the same church my parent’s were married (about 37 years ago). My brother and I were christened at this church. And now we introduce little D to the church.

It can be quite daunting choosing Godparents for your baby. Luckily hubby and I have wonderful siblings. My sister-in-law and brother were the chosen two. I already plan on teasing my nieces about their mom being D’s Fairy Godmother. And I’ve got to get my brother to say “Make him an offer her can’t refuse.” LOL

(Hopefully) Tons of pictures of D in his adorable white outfit (and hat!) to come soon!

This is What I get For being Mean...

Thursday I was in a bad mood...various reasons. I'm mean and take it out on hubby sometimes, even though he is great...This just proves how great. I came home to a beautiful rose on Friday.

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Kick in the Pants

That's what I need sometimes. It is SO easy to find excuses not to workout, especially with a young child to take care of. Since the new year I had been working out steadily, keeping up with my routine. Using the Wii (I had to edit that- or else you'd think I was doing some funky World War 2 workout) fit to keep track of my progress was handy, and for a compulsive note writer it was nice having the machine chart everything out for me. And to keep track of what days I had exercised. And those I had skipped.

Then it happened. Life took over. The daily routine. Being able to fit into most of my pre-pregnancy clothes. And the greatest excuse (I've been using this one for years!!) - menstrual cramps. So I thought I would take a few days off.

Well, according to the calendar on the Wii I had skipped out on my routine for about a month. No longer can I do 30 lunges in a row. I'm starting from scratch again.

I think part of my slacking problem was setting my goals too high. I feel great after working out. So my routines got longer and longer. Then my little guy got older and the naps get short and less frequent. My routine flew out the window and I didn't even notice.

Then I realized that the workout was helping me take care of the baby. My back and arms didn't hurt that much when I had a steady routine. My moods are so much better with the exercise (just ask my poor suffering hubby :) ) And I'm not so tired after work.

So the new plan is to just stick to a 20 minute workout during the little man's morning nap. The cardio will have to come from work and play.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Happy 6 Months Little Man

I've always known that time goes fast. I realize it even more having a growing baby in my sights every day.

He has a vocabulary now. Okay, it's a language all his own, but he's working on it. I especially enjoy his happy squeal. So hard to explain it. And whenever I get the video camera out he freezes. (He likes the flash on the still camera. I think that's what he's waiting for on the video camera.)

He has accomplished rolling from his back to belly to his back again. In fact he travels around the livingroom this way. We are slowly childproofing everything. Perhaps we're moving too slow.

Hat's off to our little man on his half birthday!!!