Sunday, May 30, 2010

Even Bruce Lee was There!

Yesterday I celebrated another year of life. Danny didn't crawl for the first time like I had asked. Oh well! ;)

My parent's and brother came over. And I got some more plants for my porch. My idea of easy city gardening. (pics to come soon).

It was a happy birthday indeed!

Grandpa arrived just in time for Danny's nap.

Then they had fun on the jolly jumper. And soon that wasn't good enough either.

So we all played with toys. Even Bruce Lee was there!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Another Year Already!

Today is our second wedding anniversary! I can hardly believe how fast time goes by and where we are already.

We started as a couple of carefree single people looking for that perfect someone. Then we were a carefree couple who got married. And now - not-so-carefree, loving parents to the most wonderful baby in the world! (A baby that has taken to roaring -that's for another day.)

And for all the pictures we have of Daniel, we have very few of each other. Here is one from the Christening.

Happy Anniversary Hunny Bear! I love you!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Swings

Daniel's first day at the beaches. He decided to check out the swings. Boy is he glad he did.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Let's Go for a Walk with the Little Man

Dan loves to go for walks.

I've been taking him over this bridge the last few times we've gone out. Today was the first day that I remembered my camera.

The first time we went over a train went under us. The conductor waved to us. I was way more excited than the little man. Today we missed the train.

A little ways down the road on the other side of the tracks we met a friend.

When he (or she. I didn't check) saw us walk passed his house he came running off his porch to greet us on the sidewalk. He prefered belly rubs to posing for the camera.

It still boggles my mind to think that this used to be were people had there cottages. Only 15 - 20 minutes outside of downtown Toronto. And now people drive for 2 hours just to get away from it all.

This house reminded me of some of the houses my friends lived in when I was growing up in Oak Ridges.

And we got to the end of the road. Turned ourselves around and went back over the bridge.

The little man was glad to be back home where Daddy was waiting to greet him.

All that walking is thirsty work.

**Sorry for the over exposed pics. I forgot to readjust my camera for outside light. :)

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Its my first as a mom. I've always felt it was a special day. My mom did so much for me and my brother she deserved to be honoured. Like the time I emptied all the tissue out of a new box of kleenex so I could make her a gift with the box. She really appreciated that - LOL.

My hubby figured it out last week. I set him up for May. We've got Mother's Day, Our Anniversary (2 years already!) and my birthday. And he happened to get his tax refund a week ago. I am one spoiled mother!

Today, I am the first one up. Even Danny is sleeping in! Of course I can't. We are going visiting today and lying in bed all I could think about is all the baby gear we better not forget. At least bananas are easy to pack.

Enough of my babbling. Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommies out there! May you get all the hugs and kisses you deserve. Not just today, but everyday.

This face makes it all worth while. Even the c-section scar that still itches. And the fact that I will never sleep in again!
I love you, Daniel!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Bath Time

The little man is digging baths in the big tub now. No more baby tubs! Yippee!

Finally, sitting up without a diaper on he has discovered body parts he never knew existed. "What the heck do I do with this thing?"

And he loves all his bath toys. Rubber ducky tastes mighty fine.

Yes, that flower is my son. In the privacy of our own bathroom I can make him look like a flower. That is, as long as he lets me.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Introducing Solids (aka real food)

Things are going better than I thought they would. Of course Daniel usually gives us an easy time of things.

I was a bit confused about introducing solids beyond rice cereal. Things like how much is supposed to eat. And what should I give him. I googled for a feeding schedule for 6 month olds. Depending on which site I looked at the schedules seemed to vary. So once again we're letting the little man let us know what to do.

We are following the rule about introducing each food in its own time period of 4 to 5 days. Which was good. We found out that he is allergic to sweet potatoes. Hopefully he will be able to enjoy them a few years from now.

So far I am preparing all my own food. Which isn't rocket science. Really! Steamed carrots. Mash 'em with a fork. Bananas are super easy. Just smoosh 'em!

This is an example of Daniel's daily schedule.

7am Bottle of formula, then a bit of rice cereal (about 3 tbsps prepared)
9am Nap
10am Fruit about a 1/4 of a banana(so far we're only eating bananas. Tomorrow we introduce unsweetend apple sauce), followed by bottle of formula
12pm Nap
1pm Lunch Cereal and vegetable - we're working on carrots
followed by a bottle of formula
3pm Nap
4pm Dinner is the same as lunch. At least until we get another veggie in there. I'm thinking something green for next week.
5:30pm his last bottle for the day
6-6:15pm Bedtime with story. Hop on Pop is still a favourite.

Then mommy and daddy get grown up time for the rest of the evening. Which usually consists of vegging in front of the tv or computer depending on the degree of exhaustion.

We would like to eliminate one of the bottles, but he seems to demand them still. I'm sure he'll let us know when the time is right.