Tuesday, June 30, 2009

23 weeks ALREADY!!!

I finally have a noticeable bump. My parents and Baba were very excited about this when I visited on the weekend. I'm still trying to figure out if I would say I am 5 months or 6. It seems to vary from each resource I check. The way I figure it I have 4 months to go - so I'm 5 months in. Does it really matter? ;)

(Sorry no pic this week. I forgot my camera in Richmond Hill!)

We saw the doctor yesterday. The little guy is doing great. I'm doing great. When I was weighed (I'll leave the details out on that, but I think I'm doing fine in that department - the actually number is just scary) my husband felt compelled to weigh himself. This made the doctor laugh. I'm about the same weight as he is now, even though I have stopped wearing his clothes (I am rounder after all).

Yesterday I looked at my feet and didn't recognize them. They were so swollen. I'm not good at sitting down and taking it easy sometimes. So I forced myself to sit with my feet elevated and everything looks normal again today.

I've been feeling a lot of stretching in the abs. I mentioned this to the doctor and she says its normal. It is just very uncomfortable when I am trying to get back to sleep at 2am!!

Three more weeks and I am officially in the third trimester. I cannot believe how fast time is going by. I am trying to enjoy every minute of it.

I guess our next big step before the big arrival is setting up the baby's room. New flooring. My mother-in-law is going to paint kitties on the walls (we can never have enough!!) And of course cleaning like a mad woman :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Different Topic

Happy Birthday to my big brother!!!!

We have to stop getting older. It's starting to scare mom!

I hope you have a wonderful day.

See you soon!

Monday, June 22, 2009

22 Weeks

Now that I am over the half way mark this baby is starting to really "kick" into my reality. I'm going to be somebody's mommy! My world as I know it will change forever. It's kind of terrifying - in a good way of course :)

I feel him kick everyday now. The little thumps are becoming more pronounced every week. I've heard that some women miss this after giving birth. I think I might too! It's comforting. When I feel him kick I know he's doing alright.

The baby shower last Sunday was nice. My 20 month old niece thought all the gifts with Elmo on them were for her. The games we played weren't too silly. And it was nice catching up with some people that I don't see too often. Of course, no one would believe that I am into my fifth month. Not every woman gets a big bump right away!!!

One week seemed to make a difference. To me at least. This is at 22 weeks. I'm wearing a non-maternity top that used to fit in a flowing manner, but now is almost getting a bit snug.

I am really starting to feel my belly stretching. And my belly button is starting to stick out. Minor discomfort there. I am really enjoying touching my own belly and am super thrilled when the baby kicks and I feel him inside and out.

I am really starting to think of labour and having the baby at home. Trying not to let my anxiety get the better of me. I'm not the only one to ever have a baby - I'm sure I'll do fine.

Next week, we go to the doctor. Again. These appointments really sneak up on me. June is almost over - already????? From what I understand I am going to be tested for gestational diabetes in the next couple of weeks. Really not looking forward to this. I'm not sure I'll be able to get down the super sweet drink I must have. Well, at least I sort of know what to expect.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Every Where I Look

I see pregnant women every where. I'm not sure if I'm just more aware because I'm part of the club. Or if 2009 is just a good fertile year. Or all the pregnant celebrities are having an influence (the last reason is admittedly a sad reason to be pregnant).

Today I am going to my husband's second cousin's baby shower. She is also having a boy. She's due in July. Though admittedly I feel awkward at social functions and I find some of these shower games really silly, I am looking forward to what gifts she gets so I can take mental notes for my own baby registry. I am also interested in comparing bumps. Will my bump be the same size at 8 months?

In our neighbourhood my husband and I are the more anti-social types. We say Hi and wave and that's about all. When we first learned we were expecting my hubby got more talkative and shared the news with a couple of the neighbours (the family that helps us take care of the outdoor cats). Now I feel every time I step outside they are checking out my belly, which at five months isn't all that big. I feel a bit uncomfortable, but at least they aren't groping at it - yet!

The neighbour did come over the other day to talk cats and try and gossip with us. And she asked how far along I was. "Oh I figured you were due in November!" Ah Ha! I was right, they were eyeballing my belly! I guess it's something I will have to deal with.

I am happy that I feel my baby boy kicking at regular times during the day. More often when I'm at rest. If I'm working I don't always feel him. However, on Friday I kept feeling little thumps for a few minutes, but everytime my mom would touch my belly he would stop. He's already testing the Gramma boundaries :)

Monday, June 08, 2009

We're Half Way There!

At week 20, time seems to be moving too fast as usual. Our boy is moving around a lot. Hubby finally felt him kick yesterday. It is very exciting.

Hubby has had a cold all weekend. I'm just praying that I don't get it. I have taken it as an excuse to relax a little more myself and to allow myself to wear yoga pants all weekend - even out of the house. I've been feeling pretty tired. At first I thought maybe I was getting sick too. Oh wait - I'm pregnant! My body is going through a heck of a lot. No wonder I'm exhausted. Sometimes it takes a few minutes to sink in again :)

I am determined to do my pregnancy aerobics three times a week. It helps with some of the discomforts, like my hands and feet swelling, backpain and shortness of breath. But then the discomforts help give me excuses for not doing it - I'm tired, achy or just plain lazy.

Well, I better get in gear.

Friday, June 05, 2009

I think he looks like me!

Except in this one he looks like Skeletor! :)

This one is the cutest - in my opinion anyway!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

And finally we know

We had the ultrasound done yesterday. It seemed like the longest day. I felt like I did as a child on Christmas Eve. "Is it Christmas yet? Has Santa been here yet? When is he coming?"

This clinic was way better than the last. I don't know why we weren't just sent to this one for both. There was only one other person in the waiting room, as opposed to the Grand Central Station look of the other. It was VERY clean. And the staff were organized. My name was called right at 3pm on the button!

I changed into the paper gown with fancy belt. The Sonographer (named Honour - neat name) dumped a bunch of that gel on my belly and we were on our way. I got teary eyed when she started counting fingers and toes. It's real! I'm really having a baby!

I had to flip over a few times because the baby was hiding the right foot. I lay there fairly silently, only asking if I could get a print out (which I didn't have to pay for, and I got 5 pictures) and answering that we want to know the sex. Finally, she was done and called in my husband for the show. The baby is amazing! Spine is perfect. Even the skull, which we have a nice Halloween print-out of. Little heart pumping away.

"So, can you tell what the sex is?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"Legally, I cannot say. However, if I leave the room I can't stop you from checking my notes."

Honour left the room and Hubby and I immediately scrambled for her desk. I think I was cross-eyed with excitement. I couldn't even see the piece of paper. Hubby had to point and said "I was right. It's a boy!"

When we got home we made our phone calls and sent our messages over the internet informing all those who wondered with us. My mom was a bit shocked. She was sure it was a girl. She's excited all the same.

I think hubby was secretly praying that at least one of our two planned children would be boys. He's the first male of his generation to have kids to carry on the family name. He kept saying "Now Grandpa can relax!"

Tomorrow I am working with mom. It's our work day with a big time gap between houses. As well as a Value Village. Now that we know what colours are safe we're going to have lots of fun!!!!

Monday, June 01, 2009

Darn it!

Got the date wrong...the clinic just called. My appointment is for tomorrow. Guess I'll have to wait another day!!!