Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Yipee for me

I fit into another pair of jeans from my closet. I was so happy to find this out. I wore the said jeans until they were screaming to go in the laundry. That was after I thought it would be a good idea to do an art project with Little D.

For Christmas one of the ladies I clean house for gave us a kit to paint baby's hand and foot prints onto canvas. Since I am still in the process of working on D's room I thought this would be a good idea.

Well I guess I should have waited. The hand prints don't really look like hands (though the feet turned out OK). I still hung the canvases in his room. They are his first works of art after all!

Yes we did get more paint on ourselves than we got on the canvas! But hey my jeans fit! And little D is going to audition for the Blue Man Group!

Monday, January 18, 2010

We've made it to the third month - woo hoo

The little man is growing like crazy. Almost double his birth weight at three months old. Watching him learn about the world and himself has been a real eye opener to how fast time really does fly.

Little D now has his own vocabulary. "La" means he's hungry. "Ahgoo" I think means everything is cool. Then there is "boooer" and some other cute sounds to fill out the conversation. And I swear he says "Mama". Okay so he probably has no personal meaning for saying it, but it won't stop me from melting with love when ever he says it.

He has been quite fussy these past few days. And since we've had it so easy with him we are a bit confused as to what is his problem. I have only three ideas. One - he's bored. We've been entertaining him with the same toys for the last three months he needs something new. This is easily fixed as he got spoiled this Christmas and still has some toys in the packaging. Two - he just wants to be left alone. Just when we think we've figured out his schedule he goes and changes it again. Mama thinks he wants to play when he just wants to nap. At least he is still sleeping through the night!!! And three - he's teething early. He has been drooling extra hard lately. He likes to chew on his hands. And when trying to feed him sometimes all he does is gum away at the nipple of his bottle.

I guess like everything else we've had to learn about caring for little D we will have to figure out as we go. Of course any suggestions would be appreciated. Its a lot of trial and error, this baby raising stuff!

Friday, January 08, 2010

Baby’s in Black

When I got home from work today I was trying to be happy. My moods are terrible at this time of the year. Every little thing bothers me. I could start a war over the beard trimmings Hubby leaves in the sink. Things that shouldn’t be so serious become life and death to me. So I try to calm myself down.

Of course just seeing little D and how happy he is to see me brightens my day. Also the fact that there weren’t any dirty dishes sitting in the sink. :)

After dinner I take little D downstairs with me so I can check my email and if I’m lucky facebook and maybe read some blogs. Of course he started to get restless just sitting in my lap. I swear this kid is going to be walking next month. He’s constantly bouncing on our laps when we hold him. He also lifts his big feet in turn. Right. Left.

So I put on the album Beatles for Sale. That’s what I needed. A little music therapy. I start singing along and little D starts really bouncing. We spin in the chair and he gets a fascinated look on his face. I stand up and start dancing him around the room still singing, not feeling silly. Little D made it not silly.

By the time we got to Baby’s in Black he was asleep in my arms. My beautiful baby.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Cabin Fever

I'm getting quite restless being in the house the last few days. It's too cold for me to bother going out if I don't have to. Yes, I am a wimp when it comes to cold weather!

So I've been puttering. I went thru the little drawers on the cabinet the I hung in the kitchen (or rather it hung itself ;) )

I found this:

I love finding old treasures!

Happy Ukrainian Christmas!

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Day One

As I lay awake this morning at 4am, while hubby fed little D (Yes he's back on 4am feedings. The holidays have thrown us all off.) I contemplated whether to exercise or not. I still have this cold that got worse at the four day mark. Then I thought that I could not start my fitness goal with a lousy excuse.

Once Hubby woke up this morning he and little D hung out while I ventured to the basement to work out for a whole hour. I used an old Kathy Smith work out tape - Instant Workout. It's broken down into three 20 minute sessions - toning, cardio and stretching. I figured if my breathing got too bad I would at least have 20 minutes done. I managed to do the whole hour. big pat on the back for me. Now to keep with it!

I am going to give myself a break on work days. I clean houses. That is a work out in itself. If I can squeeze in a bit of cardio when I get home then I will be doing really well. I can't promise myself anything though. I do have a baby and a Hubby (who's idea of cooking dinner is making Kraft dinner or ordering pizza).

For today I will just say to myself - a job well done. I feel good :)

Friday, January 01, 2010

You Say you Want A Resolution? Well you know…

In years past I have tried to make resolutions. Then for a few years I claimed how silly resolutions are. They never work. I was still smoking years after making resolutions to quit. That was always my resolution when I did make one.

The trick for me was to try to get pregnant. A healthy baby was a great motivator to quit smoking for me. And you know what? Maybe this is a coincidence or I have stumbled upon a great fertility secret but as soon as I was down to that silly half cigarette a day I became pregnant after working on it for nine months. What a chore!! ;) I dropped that last half a day like a hot potato.

Now that I don’t smoke anymore (though sadly the urge strikes once in awhile) and my baby is almost 3 months old (where does the time go?) and I still cannot fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans my New Years resolution is to fit into these said jeans. I have about 15 pairs. All really nice. It would be a shame to not wear them again.

I decided to start this plan just before Christmas. Which was a big mistake. Too much food around. And Baba sure knows how to bake them cakes! And for some reason since I was pregnant I no longer have control around sweets. I used to be able to pass on dessert, now it almost seems essential!

When I was way younger and wanted to lose some weight all I had to do was think about it and presto five pounds gone.

The last time I lost this goaled amount of weight I hadn’t planned on it or tried at all. I was suffering severe anxiety over dumping Mr. Rock and Meeting Mr. Right. I was also chain smoking. With my stomach clenched from my anxiousness I couldn’t eat very much. I think it took a week or two and I lost ten pounds. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS METHOD. Very unhealthy. And it would likely come back to bite you or me in the ass.

So since I do not plan to start smoking again I need a new plan which I am trying to figure out. I’ve been trying to work out with Wii fit plus, but I don’t feel it pushes me enough. On to plan B (which hasn’t yet been planned) for the fitness routine and some self control and careful menu planning. And resisting Hubby’s requests to visit Burger King! I must resist the Whopper. I cannot live with just three pairs of pants! And I refuse to buy more at this size damn it!!!

Happy New Year

Little D and I have colds, but we both managed to be up at midnight to wish Hubby a happy New Year. Its still sounds surreal...Happy 2010.

May this year be even better than last. I'm not sure if I can top it. I was telling my mom that 2009 was the best year of my life because of Little D. What will I tell future children, I mean child. ;)