Saturday, March 12, 2011

Is it over yet?

According to what I heard this morning the end of winter is near. The geese are back and I'm loving the sound of their honking announcement.

I haven't been writing very often. I start feeling guilty about it, which just increases the anxiety I have been feeling. I believe it has to do with my winter depression. Now that we are into March I can feel it lifting. I'm not as anxious over nothing these past few days. Though the wet snow we had yesterday brought a sinking feeling to my gut.

The geese honking their arrival this morning has made me hopeful.

Looking forward to what is ahead for this coming year. Daniel will be able to run around with the other kids at the park this summer. Last summer all he could do was sit in the swing and watch. I have bought him some buckets and shovels so we can play in the sand at the beach. I'm hoping he has enough sense not to eat it (the sand not the bucket - though I wouldn't put it past him).

I cannot believe how fast he is growing. We took Danny to the doctor a couple of weeks ago. He is way above average for his height (16 months and he is 84cm long) and on the high side for his weight (25LBS). Probably because he loves his food so much. Still the happiest little boy I could ever hope for.

We are looking forward to what is in store for us this year. Maybe even a few surprises... Wow I am sounding so hopeful - winter must be over!