Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What can I say?

But what a cutie!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Family Day

Yesterday was Family Day in Ontario. Last year was the first Family Day, a new stat holiday the Ontario Government FINALLY gave us (yep, now that I don't work on Mondays!). All though I found it odd that we got mail delivery!?!?

Last year, at this time we were trying to get pregnant. I had already done three or four pregnancy tests anytime my period was a millisecond late - much to my disappointment they were all negative. (I had bought some from the dollar store. Hubby thought they were defective because they only cost one dollar. He ran out and bought some from the drug store just to be sure.)

My period was a couple of days late by the time Family Day rolled around. I really wanted to pee on a stick that first Family Day, but I thought I might be jinxing it. So I waited until the day after. I was strangely calm when I told hubby we finally got a positive. (Being superstitious and romantic it is not a coincidence that I was pregnant almost 2 weeks after the anniversary of our first date - okay maybe TMI?).

This year I find it nice that because we now have Family Day on our calendars I can remember the first time I knew of Little D's existence. :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Four Months and No One Can Believe It

Time is flying by so quickly. Little D is now 16 weeks old. That's four whole months. Mama and Daddy are pros at this parenting thing already, even though every other day Little D throws us a curve ball. He cannot walk or crawl, yet he is bored of lying on his play mat. We now have to strap him into his swing or he will wiggle out of it. And the bumbo seat was almost tipped over this morning. Guess it was just too restricting for the little man.

He hasn't turned over on his own since that one time. But he's really working on it. I am excited about each milestone that he passes. At the same time I'm trying to savour every moment of his babyhood because I know how quickly it will soon pass.

Little D's getting the hang of this rolling over business...any day now.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Early Valentine's Day

Today marks the fourth anniversary of our first date. Tonight will also be the first time Jamma (the name my nephew gave my mother-in-law) comes over to babysit. I'm feeling good about it. I'm sure D and Jamma will have a great time together. It does seem like a big deal though. Hubby and I have not left the house TOGETHER without our little man in tow since he was born.

The night hubby and I met up there was a terrible snow storm. I had to find a detour because there was an accident on the main road. He was already there waiting for me - rose in hand- his hair wet from the snow. We had our first kiss that night too.

Every year since we have always celebrated this day. Today is our Valentine's Day!