Tuesday, September 29, 2009

36 Week Doctor Visit

I am already getting tired of visiting my doctor so often. Yesterdays visit was good - except for the new parents in the waiting room who constantly "SSSSHHHHHHHed" their already content newborn constantly. The whole time I sat there waiting. "SSSHHHHHH"! I wanted to SSSHHHH them!!

Anyway, irritability aside, everything looks good. Baby's heart rate is good. My blood pressure - check. And the doctor checked to make sure the little guy's head was down and in position. Check!! I'm very happy about that. And quite amazed. I'd been trying to figure out what position he is in for the last couple of days and couldn't for the life of me figure out what I was feeling. It took her all of two seconds. Guess that's why she's the pro! Now let's hope he stays in position for the big day...when ever that is.

I've still made no predictions myself, but Hubby thinks I'll deliver on the 26th and baby will weigh 8lbs 12oz. Baba thinks the 26th or 27th. I'm hoping they are right. The sooner the better for this impatient mama!

Halloween would be a cool birthday. I do have two conflicts with that date though. 1. It's almost a week after my estimated due date - I do hate waiting. And 2. Baby's 2 year old cousin would have to share her birthday. I don't know how the kids would like that. Maybe they would be fine with it. Maybe they wouldn't want to share the attention?! Who knows!

I'm not sure if its just the dreary weather we've been having or the pregnancy hormones but I've been very miserable for the last couple of days. Snapping at dear hubby. Crying for no reason. Getting irritated by new parents shushing their newborns! I do hope it passes. This should be a time for joy!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

36 Weeks…only 4 weeks left…am I ready for this?

The most common piece of advice I have been receiving lately is to get as much sleep as possible because once junior arrives sleep will be a luxury. I agree. I anticipate the feedings every two hours or so. The diaper changes all hours of the night. What ever else I’m not expecting, I’m half expecting :)

My problem seems to be that I am too excited/anxious about this whole baby/motherhood thing that I wake up for one of my many bathroom breaks in the middle of the night and start thinking about baby or child birth or even not working for a month (But yet I know motherhood – especially with a newborn will be work). So, I am lying awake in bed for about 2 hours with all these thoughts and wonders racing through my mind. No, I can’t seem to shut them off. Some of them I fuel out of excitement.

And forget sleeping in. Once my 7/7:30am bathroom break comes around I am out of bed and ready to start my day. Sorting the baby’s room. Washing his clothes. Packing and repacking his diaper bag for the hospital. Do I have everything? I hope so. My lists that are scattered around the house should help. LOL

I do manage to tire myself out sometimes by the afternoon. And have actually been napping – guilt free on the couch with at least one cat snuggling with me. I think they know something is up. Chichi has been especially sucky of late. Following me around. Calling me to bed if I’m not there by 9pm. The other two soon follow us to bed leaving little room for hubby.

Here is my most recent belly picture.

Hubby and I think I have dropped a bit. My boobs used to rest on top of my belly, but now it has lowered. We think/hope! The little guy is still moving around, but not as much as he was about a month ago. I have gotten a couple of predictions on my delivery date. I don’t have a prediction myself, just a couple of “these would be nice dates”. If he comes early (which I doubt) October 9th would be cool – John Lennon’s birthday. And of course the 23rd would be neat – hubby’s birthday.

So, do you think my baby has “dropped”? Any predictions?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Crazy Pregnancy Dream

I dreamed the other night that I had the baby. He was adorable and tiny and I kept changing lots of wet diapers. Then, even though I still had to support his head, he could talk. Quite clearly too. I can't remember what was said, and I'm sure it's not important.
While I dealt with all the diapers and a super intelligent talking newborn without a wonder, sharp pencils began appearing in his little hands and he was trying to stab me. I would remove the pencil, wondering where it came from, and another would appear. And with all this weirdness going on I wasn't weirded out or anxious at all. I just continued my motherly duties of diaper changes, and moving sharp objects out of reach.

The alarm clock awoke me shortly after the pencils began appearing - thankfully!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

35 Weeks

We went to the Doctor today. Everything looks good. The baby is still moving around a lot so I suppose his position at the moment isn't significant, though his head seems to be down. I'm pretty sure his feet spend a lot of time in my rib cage.

I am pretty sure that the receptionist mistook my weight either this visit or last. I'm positive I haven't gained 10lbs in two weeks!!! I'm sure I would have felt that type of gain and I'm sure I would have seen it!!! Whatever! I'm letting it slide.

Hubby asked about the flu shot on my behalf. This doctor seems to think its a good idea whether I'm pregnant or not. My regular GP told me a few years ago that he wouldn't recommend a flu shot for a young healthy adult, as he thinks it will make your immune system weak. Only young children and elderly people should get them. So, now I'm not sure what I want to do. In my mind I do sway in the anti-flu shot camp. Maybe I'm paranoid. Maybe I've watched X-Files too much.

The vaccines will not be available until the end of October. I might have already given birth by that time. But if I am still pregnant and with the Swine Flu still around it might be a good idea.

Truly, I'm not sure what to do. Maybe I should have another talk about it with my GP. We seem to think the same way. I may be more comfortable with his opinion.

What do you think of flu vaccines? Do you get vaccinated every year?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Laugh at My Own Expence

I had forgotten how desperately I wanted a baby bump so early in pregnancy.

I had gotten heavier, but that's far from the bump I know and love now :) It's hardly a bump at all.

I admit the majority of my weight gain happened in the first 4 months, which is odd but not totally unheard of. I blame the Lick's chocolate milkshakes (one of the tasty things that would temporarily remove that metallic taste from my mouth).

I do remember that at 16 weeks I did start feeling the baby move around, which is early for a first pregnancy.

What I've been hearing is just so true - every pregnancy IS different. Which is a relief, but at the same time frustrating! How am I supposed to plan every detail out? LOL

Sunday, September 13, 2009

34 Weeks…Baby Shower and Lack of Sleep

I am truly at the point where sleep is always welcome but I never stay there long. Every movement wakes me. Either turning over will trigger a body ache, usually my hip or the baby lands on my bladder and I must rush to the bathroom. And then of course, either my mind takes over making me think of things to do, or how exciting it will be once the baby is here OR hubby starts snoring really loud. I nudge him hoping he will turn over then I feel bad when he wakes up (but not too bad though).

This morning it was Hubby’s snoring as well as my thoughts. Only today is somewhat exciting and nerve inducing. My mom and Baba are throwing me a baby shower. The nerve inducing part is me just being me – social situations make me nervous, especially this one because I am the center of it. I am excited to see my guests. I get to see lots of family that I don’t see often.

And well of course to be honest I am looking forward to the gifts for baby. The cute little outfits. Who can resist baby shopping?

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The Mall, Parking Spots and Grumpy Old Men

Hubby and I went to the mall today to buy The Beatles Rock Band game. It does rock!

Hubby thought that we could take advantage of one of the designated "Parent" parking spots. You know the ones designated for "parents with children"? Since I'm "with child" and waddling like a big goose with swollen ankles and sore feet, Hubby thought it only fair that we take this spot.

As I was heaving myself out of the passenger seat an older gentleman (I'm being nice -see!) is getting into his car, in the designated handicap spot beside me. I wonder why he is hesitating with his door, kind of swinging it opened and closed. Then he says in a slightly snarky voice "Where are your children?"

My hormones are in high gear lately. I could cry or yell without hesitation. He's lucky we just had a happy visit with the doctor (at which the little guy kicked while the doctor was checking his heart rate - so cute). I point to my belly and say "Right here!".

Hubby thought that was friendly enough and smiled at the guy. The older dude just grumble something incoherent at me and finally got in his car and went away. Boy did that piss me off.

I realize some people think I'm carrying small (the baby and me are growing well according to the doctor), but really the guy was just looking to give someone a hard time. Did I even turn around to check for his handicap permit? No (but Hubby did). Is this guy's life so boring or meaningless that he actually hesitates just driving to where ever the hell grumpy old men go after visiting the mall to give me a hard time? Is that why he visits the mall? To monitor the designated parking for fraudulent parents? I really do wish that some people would mind their own business.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

It’s Like Christmas!

I’m normally the type of person who can sleep through anything. So now being THIS pregnant and waking up every time I turn over or have to pee (which is often) is very frustrating for me.

As I’ve been told, and I try to remind myself, it will prepare me for waking up all hours of the night to feed the baby. Maybe I’m just argumentative, but at least with the baby here I will have a greater purpose for waking up. Right now, I turn or go to the bathroom, then I cannot fall back to sleep because I am excited/anxious about the baby’s arrival.

I was like this at Christmas time when I was younger (not much younger, mind you!). Christmas morning I would be up at 3 or 4am – wide awake. Lucky for me “Santa” would leave me a really cool pile of gifts to unwrap in my stocking, which was left just outside my bedroom door. Once I had that taken care of I could go back to sleep for another couple of hours.

I wouldn’t try to wake my brother up until about 7am. He wouldn’t get up. I’m still not sure if he really wasn’t that excited or he was just trying to drive his little sister crazy!

Anyway, pregnancy is like Christmas for me. I can’t wait to see my present. The big difference is that there really is no definite date. Unlike Christmas, Baby may not arrive on the designated date. Actually, he most likely won’t arrive on his designated due date. Was my big brother just preparing me for this test of patience?

Monday, September 07, 2009

33 Weeks picture

Amazing what a little make-up can do.

We've also been practicing dressing the baby. Here is our top model.

33 Weeks Pregnant – Keeping Busy

We’ve been busy this past weekend. Hubby painted the baby’s room. I realized I’m not so good at supervising, because I decided I had to do some paint touch ups. I know I’m bad. I’ve gotten the lectures already. :-)

We started to replace the flooring. With this I’m a little better at the supervising part. I do allow myself to measure. The rest is muscle-work, which I left up to Hubby.

We are getting pretty good at installing laminate. This is the fourth time we have worked with the material and have figured out a few tricks. The only thing really slowing us down is that we have to borrow most of the tools needed. We did finally splurge on our very own handsaw. That moved things along.

So now the baby’s room and hallway are pretty much complete. We just have a few patches to fill and ¼ round trim to replace. The fastest method for that is to use a nail gun – which we will have to borrow. That fact alone may slow down the completion quite a bit, but at least the bulk of the job is complete. Yippee for Hubby and all his hard work (and sore hands, knees and pinched skin).

Next weekend we plan to tackle our bedroom floor, which involves moving a lot of furniture. I also have my baby shower to attend. And Hubby has to work the same day. So hopefully we can get it all done on Saturday and then I can start concentrating on the next thing I want done. I’m not sure what that is yet, but I feel I should make it a solo project or else Hubby will want nothing more to do with me. :-p

I’m going to wear out Hubby soon. I am starting to bring him to work with me to show him the ropes so he can take over when I am too big and tired to work and while I am in recovering after having the baby.

I’ve been tiring so easy lately. Taking an afternoon nap just about every day. I don’t let myself feel guilty about it either. In several weeks, sleep will be a luxury and I know I will wish I took more advantage of napping.

(This weeks belly picture coming soon. Like when I take a picture of myself and don't look so tired - LOL)

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Baby Bum

I received this free diaper sample in the mail the other day. (I did tell you I like free stuff).
While it was still in the mailer package I was sure it was baby wipes or a booklet. It was surely too small to be a diaper. Guess I was wrong. I can’t believe his bum is really going to be that small.

Funny thing is, I don't remember signing up for this freebie. I must have gone crazy on one of my googling free stuff sprees.