Sunday, August 30, 2009

32 weeks...

Prenatal classes finished yesterday. We should be ready now. At least as ready as possible. Still a few things to do around the house that I'm too pregnant to do. Hopefully they will get done without too much worrying on my part.

I keep trying to tell myself that some of these things are not that important. The baby will be fine without kittens painted on the walls. As long as he has clothes and diapers and some where to sleep and of course mommy and daddy, he will do just fine.

Just trying to relax as much as my personality will allow me for the next 8 weeks or so.

Hubby will be starting to work with mom and I this week. Hopefully this will help me to not be exhausted after cleaning two houses. And once he is set up there and I can no longer get down to clean a toilet I guess I am off to wait for the baby's arrival. I'm hoping to work as long as possible. I'm not a good waiter. I want things done yesterday. :)

Which leads me to wonder...will the baby be on time? How many "first born" babies are born right on their due date? How many are late? Early? I don't think I could handle a late baby. Heck I'm usually half an hour early to my dental appointments!

32 weeks pregnant

32 weeks pregnant

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Father always Said “Nobody said life was going to be Fair!”

My response “ Well that’s not fair!”

This is the view from my kitchen window. I put up the suncatchers to distract me from what is really out there, but all the same my imagination will only take me so far.
neighbour's mess 1
This house has been in several stages of collapsing since I first met my hubby. Sadly, back in 2006 when I first saw it people were actually living in it. With a newborn baby. And rodents. And who knows what else. Paying rent for the privilege. The owner either doesn’t know that houses need maintenance or he doesn’t care.

Once it was vacated the yard maintenance became non-existent. I’m sure more than one person called the city about the grass growing so long they were losing their children in it. City workers came and cleaned it all up. I’m sure the owner was sent quite the hefty bill.

His solution:

Last year, his nephew had visited the neighbourhood informing us that they had planned to tear it down and rebuild two rental units further back in the yard. A group of what I assume were his friends and family showed up one day and began by removing the siding by hand. Without gloves or other safety equipment. Without a permit.
neighbour's mess 2
The city workers came once again to inform them that they needed a permit to dismantle the house.

Once again the house was abandoned.

The city was called again about the state of the yard. This time he hired his own people to cut it. They did a half-ass job and left. Before anyone could complain the city workers went on strike. Not before the For Sale sign went up. At first I was hopeful, but really, who is going to want it now in this state. The owner is likely asking way too much for what is only property with hefty baggage. How much would it cost just to tear down the house?

So, we are left looking at this misery every time we leave the house. Whenever service people or friends visit we hear comments about it. One service guy came over the other day and hit the nail on the head – “You’d have to pay ME to take that house!”

According to my limited research there isn’t much we can do about it except complain about the grass again. It must be terrible for our neighbourhood’s Feng shui. It’s depressing. And making matters even worse, it seems that people have now mistaken it for the new city dump. More and more junk is tossed into the back yard.
neighbour's mess 4
It’s not fair!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

And yet another appointment

We saw the OB/GYN today for my regular monthly visit (which has turned into my regular every two week visit as of my next appointment).

I have not gained any weight. In fact I think I lost a pound. How is that possible? My belly is getting bigger, but I'm not gaining. Does this mean I can have that extra serving of chocolate ice cream? Or some large fries (no sharing with hubby this time)?

I was reassured by my doctor that considering my starting weight and early pregnancy weight gain we are doing fine. She measured my belly and baby is growing. She might send me for a scan next time just to be sure.

And though I would love another peek at my little man, I know I am going to be so sick and tired of appointments. Or rather waiting rooms!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

31 weeks pregnant

31 weeks pregnant
Originally uploaded by lovey_dovey9

Not much bigger than last week, but I suspect the next two months will bring more growth.
I am getting really excited. I can't wait to cuddle with my little guy.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Prenatal Class

We went to our first prenatal class today. We decided to take the daylong, two-session class because the other option was to go Wednesday nights at 8pm for 4 sessions. Well, the way I’ve been lately, by 8pm I’m ready to go to bed or in the very least curl up on the couch and zone out.

I was a bit apprehensive about class this week. It was just my social anxiety creeping up on me. I managed well. The teacher is likeable and easy going. The other couples in the class seem cool too.

We covered a lot in one day. Watched a couple of birthing videos, which I admit make me a bit squirmy in my seat. But I think when it comes down to it when I’m going through it I will be fine. It’s kind of like pulling a sliver from someone else’s finger grosses me out. However, if it’s my own sliver and finger – rip away.

I know childbirth shouldn’t be so easily compared to a sliver; I’m just trying to get across how my squeamishness (is that a real word?) works.

Hubby was quite interested and involved in a lot of the discussions, which I really appreciate. I know when we comes down to it I will be too busy concentrating on my own pain to really know what is happening or even what I should be doing. I’m confident he will be a good coach.

At the end of class we toured the birthing unit of the hospital. Sadly, they were too busy to show us any of the babies in the nursery. I feel a bit more relief now having more of an idea of what will happen and where.

We have another session next week in which we will be covering breastfeeding and formula feeding, bathing a newborn and other such topics, which sound a lot more enjoyable than labour and delivery.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Maybe I Have Too Much Time On My Hands...

It has been bugging me for a little while that my blog's web address did not match my blog's name. Maybe I'm just too anal retentive. Maybe these pregnancy hormones have made me slightly crazy. Who knows?! LOL

So now I have changed it. Love Doodle Muffin...a little more original than Cat's Eyes, but still relating to cats. (Love Muffin and Doodle Muffin are one of my cat's various nicknames). Also the Cat part of Cat's Eyes referred to my initials. Since marrying and taking my hubby's name I no longer have the cool initials anymore. It was the hardest part of changing my name :(

So now I stare at the header of my blog realizing that my cool banner needs changing too. I think I'm just coming up with make work projects for myself. Things to keep me occupied for the next ten weeks!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

30 Weeks

Did I ever mention I love free stuff? I think my mom turned me onto free offers when I was a kid. She would collect the cereal box tops and send them in for what ever little gadget was on offer. Fun! Now that I am older I appreciate this even more. Getting mail that isn't a bill is always great news.

So when I first found out I was pregnant I searched out for websites with free information. Was I ever surprised when I had to sift through thousands of sites to settle on a few that were to my liking. In the process I found Nestle Baby...Not only did I find information, but a free offer for expectant moms. My package arrived a couple of days ago. I had almost forgotten about it.

This is the stuff I got :
free stuff

Although I do plan on breast feeding I think it might be a good idea to have a back up plan. And I cannot resist free stuff :) Also, if I don't end up using the formula I will donate it to the food bank. It doesn't expire until over a year after my baby is due.

At 30 weeks pregnant the discomforts are really starting to kick in (so to speak). Trying to get comfortable and stay comfortable in bed is nearly impossible. When I do finally find a position I am forced to get up and visit the bathroom. The little guy's kicks and punches are stronger now. I feel like my whole being is vibrating from him sometimes.

My left foot is permanently swollen to different degrees during the day. I can no longer wear my sandals. The strap just won't go around my ankle. My right foot is fine. Maybe slightly swollen, but compared to the left it looks normal. Go figure!

Acid reflux and heartburn persist even with my continued use of TUMS.

With ten weeks (approx.) to go, will I miss being pregnant? I think I will. Knowing exactly where my little guy is. His reassure kicks and nudges telling me everything's alright. My protruding belly, which the site of seems to make people smile. (Luckily, no one has tried to touch it!) I think it looks cute and I'm enjoying it, even if it gives me that "plumber-look" in certain outfits.

My greatest frustration seems to be that I can't/shouldn't do certain things that my control-freak side needs to do.

These past few days we moved the computers from what will be the baby's room to the basement. Or rather Hubby moved them, I supervised and carried the light stuff. And just doing that was exhausting. It has taken me three days to sort everything out that I would have normally had done right away.

The crib will eventually go against this wall:

Thankfully it is almost done. Hubby did a wonderful job allowing me to boss him around (joke! Sort of...) and he moved the heavy stuff without help and only one bruised knee.

Working on the computer down here almost feels like we've gone back in time to when we first moved in together and lived in the basement. I am so glad we aren't confined to this area anymore. Its too dark for everyday living for me. However, I am glad that we are able to expand on our living space so that the baby can have his own space - even though I am sure he will remain within arms reach of mommy for the first little while.

30weeks pregnant

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

In My Very Own Driveway

So I’ve been crying for no reason at all lately. Little things are setting me off. Work has been slow. And waiting for cable techs and eaves trough quotes has kept us kind of trapped at the house waiting. Not good for my mood. So I decided to go for a walk this morning to the library.

Our local library sucks. Guess I’m used to the huge central branch in Richmond Hill. Not this little one in Scarborough. So the movie selection sucked. I did borrow a pregnancy yoga DVD.

And I borrowed some books on blogging. Yes, even after these couple of years of my blogging efforts I still feel like a newbie. Hell! There’s always something new to learn.

So I start walking home and I can see the neighbours in my driveway (we share the driveway with one of the neighbours) and they look like they are waiting for me. I wonder what is up. We usually keep to ourselves not saying much more than hello! He did mow our lawn the other day, did hubby not thank him yet?

“How’s your day going?”

“Um, fine!”

“Guess you didn’t see this then?” He points to our cars. His windshield is smashed and my rear window is completely obliterated. My jaw just dropped.

“Oh my god! When did this happen? Did anyone see who did it?”

The neighbour said he discovered it at six this morning as he was preparing to go to work. None of the neighbours heard or saw anything. We all suspect it was kids probably with a baseball bat. The damage to the neighbours windshield seems to fit this theory. I can’t believe that I didn’t see it on my way out. Pregnancy brain or maybe I just wasn’t looking for it.

So I get in the house call for hubby and tell him what happened. I run to check my insurance policy for my coverage. Hubby and the neighbour discuss what they would like to do to the person who did this outside as I slowly breakdown inside the house.

Confused, I think that deductible is what the insurance company will cover before I have to pay out. Of course I find out I am wrong about that after talking to my insurance agent, wondering in my pregnancy hazed brain why they are so willing to let me go on my own and have it taken care of and they will reimburse me later – minus the deductible. Fuuuuuuuudge!

So I find a low quote, less than the deductible. Call back the insurance agent and leave a message telling them so. However, according to my mother-in-law, since I told the insurance company what happened my insurance will likely go up. Even though they were no help what so ever!!

In the words of hubby, “What the F*** do we pay for insurance for if they won’t even cover this? It’s not like WE are at fault.”

I did file a police report- my first ever. Surprisingly, they didn’t come in person. Everything was done on the phone. I was a bit disappointed. They asked if this has happened before. NO. Have there have been any incidence with the neighbours recently. NO. Sadly, because we have no suspects it is likely that the a—hole(s) that did this will not be caught.

I have my suspicions. And they make me sound like the crazy old cat lady I always thought I’d become. It’s kids that did it! Summer vacation is just too long. They’re bored already and trying to create some excitement for themselves.

I’ve heard talk that the city wants to impose a curfew for minors. Especially after this incident I am all for it. How about they also consider shorter school breaks? I believe that is what they do in some European countries - a quick two week summer holiday then back to school! (I’ll have to look that up).

I know the “it’s the kids” theory is just my suspicion, but really with no enemies and nothing stolen who else would do such a senseless act of destruction?

After taking the car to the shop to have the window replaced and helping hubby clean up the driveway. Then calling my therapist (my mom). The day had disappeared and all my energy was sapped. I am surprised I managed dinner.

I did shed a few tears of frustration, but I am trying not to stress too much about the whole thing. What’s done is done, right? Now only good things can happen!!! Damn it!! Good things!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

29 Weeks – Oh my! We are so close!

I am feeling big now. Though thankfully people keep telling me I look small and good for 7 months pregnant. I just wish that good feeling would carry over to my comfort level. I just cannot find a comfortable position no matter how I sit or lie down.

The other night as I tried to fall to sleep I had to pee constantly. I would roll to one side, the little guy would start kicking my bladder then I would have to go pee. Like 3 times in one hour! Must have been his position.

I have been noticing more gray hairs, just the odd one here or there. A new one at least once every week or so. He’s not even born yet and already giving me grays!

My moods have been crazy. I’ve been getting upset for little stupid things. “Oh my god the house needs to be vacuumed again.” “Why are there dirty dishes in the sink?” “Why isn’t hubby paying attention to me?” “Why is hubby paying so much attention to me – its annoying!” - You know, stuff like that. Luckily, my hubby really loves me and tries hard to deal with me when I get like this. Sometimes he’s at a loss though. For my part I must remember that my hormones are everywhere and I must calm down and just enjoy the ride.

I went to the dentist yesterday for a “prenatal cleaning”. Pregnancy gingivitis is bad, but it feels good to have clean teeth. I really like the hygienist that takes care of me. We have a good time talking (when I don’t have a bunch of tools in my mouth). Especially now that I’m pregnant we can talk about babies.

At one point though I felt a wave of faintness and nausea. I don’t know if it was the stuffy room and humidity, lying on my back for so long, a need for more food or all of the above. I didn’t think I would make it. I found myself trying to fight it and that only made it worse. She gave me some water and used the air sprayer tool on me. I turned on my side and the wave passed. Thank God! So embarrassing! She joked with me that I was just milking the whole pregnancy thing – HAHA!

After that I went for a much needed haircut (after eating of course). I have my bangs back! Whenever my hair grows out and I’m too lazy to get a trim I contemplate just letting the bangs go. Once I do cut them again I realize how much I like them. Just wish my hair wasn’t growing so fast. This might be my last hair cut before baby is born.

29 weeks
29 weeks

Prenatal classes start on the 22nd. We’re hoping to get through them with out any social anxiety. It’s for the baby so we’ll be strong!

Eleven more weeks and then our lives will be turned upside down with a bundle of love.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Sugar, Sugar

I had my glucose tolerance test done today. The drink they gave me wasn't as gross as I thought it would be. I had imagined a super sweet chalky medicine-like concoction. What I got looked and tasted like orange pop. With a medicine-like after taste.

Anyway, I was told to drink up and tell the tech as soon as I finished. Then I had to wait for an hour. So hubby and I started to leave... "Mame you can't leave." Great! We thought a walk would help time to pass. And I wouldn't have to think about being hungry (I was fasting for the test) or how I missed my morning coffee (I do allow myself one a day!!)

So instead we were stuck in the waiting room with a bunch of strangers and I swear to God that chair is used as a torture devise. I couldn't lean back into it because the top of the back felt like a razor digging into my shoulder blades. I was having a hard time sitting up straight or leaning forward. With my big belly in the way, and that orange pop stuff the only thing in my system I was uncomfortable and I kept burping. Hubby was a trooper for putting up with me.

Finally I was called into the room so the lady could take my blood. I've had so many blood tests done in my life it does not make me nervous any more. What does make me uncomfortable is when the tech has the needle in my arm and then says "Oops". I managed not to comment and only felt slight discomfort. I didn't want to make her nervous (or more nervous - I think she might have been new). Lucky, (for me or possibly her) I did not leave with a bruised arm.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Who's Pregnancy Is This Anyway? 28 Weeks

28 weeks a

Seems hubby is trying to steal my thunder. He's having midnight cravings. And leg cramps. I guess as long as he doesn't get a belly (or moody like me)I should be happy.

I discovered a wonderful tool on my photo editing software today. Actually two wonderful tools. The first is the blemish remover. No more red spots for me. Who needs make-up? The second is the toothbrush tool. A whiter smile with a click of a button. No chemicals. No payments. Just a gorgeous grin. I like.

28 weeks b

I am still trying to utilize my "normal" clothes when I can. Not sure if this tank is working though. I've got the peek-a-boo belly happening. Can I get away with it? Or do I just look like I'm trying not to buy new clothes?

I did suffer an embarrassing moment yesterday wearing these shorts. Seems now that my hips are smaller than my belly the drawstring needs some fine tuning - constantly.

Hubby and I went for a walk at the Beaches. As I was waddling across a street to catch up I started to lose my shorts. I mean they were practically off. Below the bum cheeks. Luckily, I was wearing a long, baggy maternity top to cover up my undies but I'm sure the guy driving by had a nice chuckle at my expense. Heck, once I refastened myself and tugged on the shorts a few times to make sure they were staying put, I had a good chuckle too.