Thursday, July 30, 2009

Was this Chair ever comfortable?

As baby and I grow bigger I am finding it extremely difficult to get comfortable. As this creative spurt of mine has my mind whirling, I want to sit at my computer and read blogs. Check out some photography tutorials. Write a bit. Edit some pictures. But I can't seem to sit here for very long before I become extremely uncomfortable. Never mind the heat. I have the A/C running as I sit here in t-shirt and boxers with sweat running down my face. Oh the joys of pregnancy. At least the little guy is keeping me company with his little kicks and punches.

Of course Chichi can get comfy anywhere. I envy her.

We went for my prenatal check up yesterday. The doctor measured my belly and checked the little one's heart beat. He's growing well :) I only gained 3Lbs since my last visit. One pound more than what you're "supposed" to gain on "average"... I do worry about it. It's a crazy phenomenon my mom likes to call "having access to too much information!" Anyway, doc never mentions my weight so I shouldn't worry. Of course I won't start a diet of ice cream sundaes either.

I mentioned my puffy ankle and she checked my blood pressure. That is fine, so it could be the humidity. It could also be too much salt in my diet. For that I am probably guilty. Sweets I can usually walk away from. Salty food on the other hand I cannot resist!! She also suggested I rest with my feet elevated. Otherwise, its a normal pregnancy symptom.

So then I mentioned my moodiness. The doctor just told me to blame hubby. Then she made sure we knew she was joking. But once again just another pregnancy normalcy. And she told hubby to not take it personal. I liked the blame it on him advice better though.

I forgot to mention my light-headedness, which seems to have passed now anyway. But the "pregnancy brain" is kicking in big time. I HAVE to write lists now just to keep my life in order. Then I HAVE to remember to read the lists!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Counting Down...

As excited as I am to finally experience motherhood and to meet our little bundle of joy, I have realized that I have been avoiding my education in the actually process of labour and delivery. Part of my mind is telling me I can wait to learn it at the prenatal classes we signed up for. Part of my mind says we'll just wing it. And part of my mind is guilty for avoiding the topic for so long.

I have been happy to read about the baby's development week-by-week, though truth be told I'm getting bored and just want to get to the good stuff (you know, the cuddling and cooing and such). But when I start to read about labour and delivery (unless written in a humorous manner) my eyes gloss over and I start thinking if I have enough Peanut butter for a batch of cookies.

I am also set in my ways and don't want to read about anything I haven't already set my mind on. Even though I know I must keep an open mind, I don't want to hear about how I should have natural childbirth. No pain relief! Are you insane? At least my doctor agrees with me. She said "Natural childbirth does not make any one a better mother. For your first child I would recommend an epidural."

But as you can tell it is obviously on my mind, as much as I try to avoid the topic. And its not like I have no resources. I have the world wide web. And books galore. Now to just get down to it and stop daydreaming that it will be like on TV.

My goal for today is to read at least one article or chapter about labour and delivery. But first I have laundry and work. Oh and about those cookies...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

27 Weeks

Originally uploaded by lovey_dovey9

Shortness of breath. Acid reflux. Puffy foot (it's still just the left one). And now I'm light headed. With just 13 weeks left I'm looking forward to meeting my little guy.

I had a dream the other night that he was born a week earlier than expected. I was changing his diaper.

Hubby took this picture of me at the park yesterday. I like how the tree cradles my roundness. :)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

week 26 (or 14 weeks left)

It's hard to believe we are almost done, or rather he's almost done. Almost 7 months and into the third trimester (depending on which source I check). I think I've felt a hand or a foot in my belly on a couple of occasions. Heartburn has kicked in. Not as bad as I have had it, but it's consistent.

We picked up our first baby present on Thursday. A Graco Deluxe Travel system. (Its fancy terminology for stroller with infant car seat). Recommended by my sister-in-law, because she loves Graco products and she saw it on sale for us. Baba volunteered to buy it as long as we picked it up. I'm not one who can wait for much of anything (maybe that's why these 9 months are starting to drag for me and no one else?!). We picked it up and the next day had it out of the box and assembled. So far we haven't given the cats any rides. I'm hoping they will stay away from it. I don't need another item to vacuum cat fur off of.

Although we still have three months to prepare I'm starting to get anxious about preparing the baby's room. We still have our computers in here and the floors aren't done. And the kittens aren't on the walls. And where's the crib? (I will calm down I promise.)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

25 Weeks - Things I Love (and HateDislike) about Pregnancy

What I love about being pregnant:

- feeling my baby kick, especially when I tap my belly and he taps back
- having an excuse to take midday naps
- after a midnight bathroom visit, the little one gives me a few reassuring kicks before I fall back to sleep
- shopping for baby clothes...for MY baby - not someone else's and not for my "maybe in the future..." box (most of which turned out to be girl's clothes - guess we'll have to try for another one after this little guy...)
- now that I'm showing strangers will smile at me for no reason and family members get even more excited about the baby
- watching my body change
- having a good excuse to boss people (mostly hubby) around - you don't expect me to lift/climb/exert/etc. myself do you?

What I hate dislike about being pregnant:

- acid reflux, gas, indigestion, stuffy/bloody nose and swollen ankles. Or should I say ankle - it only seems to effect my left one!?
- having to nap in the midday - I feel guilty
- waking up multiple times in the night to pee
- frustration about what baby stuff I should buy/ask for. Is a baby wipes warmer really necessary?
- it hasn't happened to me yet, but I fear strangers touching my belly without permission. Not that I would give them permission even if asked!
- fearing my body won't change back after giving birth (not that I expect an instant change)
- not being able to do somethings for myself. I want it done now and I want it done my way!

But in the end I AM really happy about being pregnant. It is amazing and wonderful to be growing another human being inside me. Sometimes it feels like science fiction. Sometimes it feels like something divine.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Budda Belly (week 24)

We are getting bigger. Hubby likes to rub my belly like I'm a Budda :) Hey if it brings us good fortune then keep rubbing...LOL

I haven't noticed any stretch marks yet (thank God!). But my belly is getting very itchy. My belly button has changed colour and looks dirty (or chocolaty). And I've been getting heartburn. Even if I just drink a glass of water!!

My mother-in-law clipped a small article about watermelon for me. It says that it is good for pregnant women. It contains B vitamins, which are good for baby's brain development. It contains folate which helps prevent birth defects like spina bifida. And though my diet and prenatal vitamin likely cover my needs in these areas I just had to have watermelon. A guilt free snack that is very thrist quenching on these warm summer days.

I continue to have small anxiety attacks about nothing in particular. I try not to take out my moodiness on innocent citizens, even if it feels good;)

I have been keeping up with my prenatal cardio workout, even though I'm sometimes bored. But it does feel good once I'm done. And with this city strike still on our local pool is closed. Bad timing! The water would feel great right now!

Hubby and I went to the Beaches on the weekend. I walked barefoot in the sand. I wore my sandals for some silly reason and found it hard to walk with them on. I managed to avoid any broken glass. The next day I could really feel the work out in my calves. Next time I will wear running shoes and hopefully the walk will be easier!!

I find it hard to believe we only have about 16 weeks left until we meet the little man. Part of me does want it to slow down. His little kicks are comforting. I know he's safe and comfortable in my belly. But then again it will be wonderful to see him. And to have my body back!!