Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Week 14

We are well on our way now. I'm now 14 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I am still not showing, but expanding just the same. Most of my pants do not fit me. Yet the 2 pairs of maternity pants I've bought (from thrift stores ;)) are still falling off me.

My husband and mom keep laughing at me because I keep saying "I want a baby bump". Part of it is for the sheer joy of looking pregnant. The other reason is so I don't look like I'm gaining weight for no reason. Yes there is some vanity in this humble mother-to-be.

I am still suffering some evening nausea. It doesn't happen everyday, but its still annoying when it does.

My energy levels have picked up. Now that I have the energy I'm running around tidying and sorting and cleaning. Trying not to over work myself, but I think the nesting instinct is kicking in. (It does seem early for that though, doesn't it?)

I'm not 100% sure, but I think I have felt the baby move. The sort of feeling "they" call "quickening". Little fluttery feelings in my belly. Of course, I'm trying not to get too excited. I could just be imagining it.

Well, I've got some running around to do today. My license and plate stickers need to be renewed. Before I do that though I have to have an emissions test done (stupid Gosh Damned rule!!!!). At least its booked and I have the day off to take care of it all. I do think its cool that for the next five years if I do show anyone my license I can say "I was pregnant in that picture!" So whether I'm glowing or looking bloated I have an excuse!!! :P

Hmmmm...maybe after all that Hubby will take me shopping for some pants that fit??!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Week 13

Almost half way through week 13 and we think we've told everyone we can about the pregnancy. My parents and brother have seen the ultrasound picture, and are getting geared up. I'm glad I have it, because I still do not look pregnant (which I keep being told I should be grateful for). So the picture is proof. I almost want to pin it to my t-shirt.

I thought the nausea was going away, but it hasn't. It lingers at night time forcing me to sleep so I don't have to deal with it. I guess I'm lucky that I can sleep through it. I'm really hating the 3am bathroom breaks, because it is still taking me at least an hour to fall back to sleep. Plus, my getting out of bed confuses the cats. They think it's breakfast time. Little piggies.

I found a Kathy Smith Pregnancy workout DVD at Zellers the other day. It was only $4.99. SOLD! I've worked out with it twice so far. I must stick with it, or I fear I will be too lazy during labour :)

I've been forcing myself to avoid the baby clothes section at Value Village for now. Since I don't know the sex of the baby, I don't want to spend a bunch of cash on thing we might not need. Of course this hasn't stopped my mom. The soon-to-be first-time grandma has already bought a few pink items. She is certain it's a girl.

I've also been forcing myself not to empty out the computer room (soon to be nursery). This would certainly drive my husband crazy. Anyway, I spend my mornings at the computer and the basement is still too cold for me. But I can't help but get ahead of myself sometimes.

I am looking forward to each new day and experience. I almost can't wait to feel the little one kicking. And to see if s/he looks more like me or hubby.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Our Little Peanut

After a long wait to finally have the ultrasound done, my husband and I walked into the clinic and it was packed. I figured "Fine. They must know what they are doing. We have an appointment. I'll be in soon." Little did I know that after an hour with a full bladder that I would still be waiting. I think Hubby's hormones are raging lately too. He doesn't like to put up with B/S, especially when he saw how uncomfortable I was getting.

He approached the counter to see where my requisition form was, to get an idea how much longer we'd have to wait. The morons had my form in with the new arrivals. Meanwhile, an older lady sat beside me. She noticed it was my husband causing a stir and reassured me that in this clinic that's the only way to get service.

Hubby told them we've been waiting for an hour. They tried to convince us that we just got there (GRRRRRRRRR). He demanded the requisition back so we could go somewhere else. They refused. But magically my name was the next called. (I did begin to wonder why we had scheduled an appointment if they didn't seem to follow any sort of schedule?!!??)

I had to wait for an hour with a full bladder but was happy to finally see the baby. The technician seemed a bit nervous (like hubby would yell are her), but she was nice. I watched her face as she scanned my belly and she didn't cringe so I knew everything was good. She showed hubby the baby. And then my turn. I couldn't believe how much detail I could see. Way more than you can see on the printed picture. I saw the heart fluttering away. I even saw the little fingers.

The technician had a hard time getting a good shot because the baby kept moving around. Hyper like daddy ;)

I'm so happy the baby is doing well. With each test and doctor's visit "Peanut" seems more of a reality.

Next time, I'm asking my doctor to recommend a different clinic!!! Hopefully, baby will be active again and we can see if its a boy or a girl!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Week 12

Well this is my belly so far. I look like I've gained weight, rather than "showing" pregnant. But that's fine :) As long a no one comments on it!

My clothes are getting tight. I had bought a top last year that I thought I could wear early on in pregnancy. It looks maternity, but isn't. It is an empire waist style top. Well, I wanted to wear it yesterday, but when I put it on and raised my arms slightly the empire waist popped under my chin...LOL. Seems my boobs are getting in the way of my cute tops. I opted for a tailored blouse with darting. Looked a bit small, but I think I got away with it.

It's gonna take me longer and longer to find anything to wear. At least anything cute. I could just opt for Hubby's clothes. How long will that last though. He is not that much bigger than me!?!?!? It's time to go shopping...yippeeee!!!

I still have that funny taste in my mouth. But I'm not vomiting when brushing my teeth anymore. In fact I only feel ill if I haven't had my before bedtime snack. Usually, a bowl of cereal.

I have been feeling light headed at times. Supposedly this is normal. I just try not to move around too fast.

And now that it finally feels like Spring I'm trying to walk more. Hubby and I went down to the Beaches on Good Friday and walked the boardwalk. I was almost out of breath by the time we got back to the car. Really need more cardio!!!!

We are going to see Hubby's family today for Easter dinner. Some of them don't know we're pregnant yet, so we'll tell them today. Yes, I wrote WE'RE pregnant. Hubby gets upset if I don't totally involve him in the announcement. I guess he did help ;)

I'm getting excited/nervous about the ultrasound on Tuesday. I forgot to ask if I get a picture of it to take home. If I do, its gonna be scanned and posted ASAP!!!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

First Meeting

I met my Ob/Gyn today. She is really nice and easy to talk to. I'm glad my sister-in-law was able to recommend her to me.
Some really good advice that she gave me was to not listen to EVERY woman's advice or experience with pregnancy or childbirth. She's had some patients panicked by what others have told them. I was already on board with this. My ears are sieve like when it comes to advice and who I take it from. She also told me not to watch those baby story like shows for the same reason. I probably will continue, but I realize my experience will not be the same as those women on TV. :)
I have gained more weight than I had thought. The doctor didn't mention it, so I guess I'm doing alright.
I made a special request today. I asked if we could use the fetal doppler to hear the baby's heart beat. I made it clear to my doctor that I understand we might not hear it and that doesn't mean anything bad. She let us have a go. And we heard the little heart pumping away. I managed not to cry for joy. It has made the baby more real to me now. My husband and I aren't calling my belly "Peanut". There's actually a little being in there. Now I just keep thinking about how exciting all this is.

Next week is the ultrasound...hoping we'll get a nice view.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Week Eleven

Just when I thought morning sickness was going away I had a few bad days where brushing my teeth made me vomit! At least I was okay for my dental appointment, where my gums bled "like a normal pregnant woman!" But at least the teeth are clean and healthy and cavity free. And I didn't gag or barf in front of anyone :)

Lately, I have been suffering with insomnia and mood swings. Maybe one is causing the other?! My insomnia is strange - for me anyway. I pass out as soon as my head hits the pillow around 9:30pm. Usually around 1 or 2 am I get up to pee, of course. And then I cannot get back to sleep. I'm still tired. I'm not particularly worried about anything. I'm usually in a good mood. But I will be lying in bed wide awake until about 4am. (I estimate. After 3am I refuse to look at the clock anymore.) I've heard it is common for pregnant women. I'm just not used to it. I'm the type of person who used to be able to sleep through the night and my alarm clock.

During the day I have been having mood swings, which I was somewhat prepared for. I had usually been quite moody when I was suffering PMS. But now my loved ones are unprepared. Any second I could snap for no reason. Some times they bring it on - I'm pretty sure of it. They will chuckle at me saying that I am being bossy! Well, that just pushes me into bitch mode! If they would just do as I say without any comment I would be fine...LOL! Oh and then I cry because I think they don't love me anymore...or some other crazy notion.

I know "they" say it is the hormones that make pregnant ladies moody. I'm thinking if I could just sleep a straight 8 hours or so I might be fine.

I am meeting my OB/GYN on Wednesday for the first time. I'm having mixed feelings about that. I want to meet her and I have questions that beg to be answered. But I'm also due for a pap :/ Thrilling!!!

I'm really looking forward to next week...the first ultrasound!!!!