Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy 15 Months My Monkey!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Unveiling

Well, here it is. Shorter than I thought but a heck of a lot more presentable and managable than before. It always takes me a couple of days to get used to a new 'do. I could not find a decent before picture. But just imagine long (down between my shoulder blades) straight hair that just dragged my (admittedly long) face down. Oh, and no bangs. I like my bangs! Also my stylist noticed that the hair on the side of my head was short and broken from wearing it in a ponytail constantly. Now I can't even get it in a ponytail! YAY!

I'm also loving my new cardigan that I found at Value Village! Cute and nerdy :P

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Need a Change

After becoming a mother almost 15 months ago, I haven't really concerned myself with clothes, hair or makeup. I have slowly been redefining my wardrobe as my old clothes felt strange and ill fitting after pregnancy. I weigh the same as I did before, give or take a pound or two or three... But I swear my body must have changed shape in some way. That with the combination of getting older and wanting a more "sophisticated" wardrobe. That being better fitting clothes. No more wearing jeans that are too small. Also wanting to step away from wearing jeans and t-shirts all the time. Though I could never entirely give up my two loves. It's working out really well after getting a hefty gift certificate to Value Village for Christmas.

What I am super excited about is getting my hair fixed. Not that its damaged or anything. I just haven't bothered to do more than put it in a pony tail for about a year now. My bangs have grown out. My hair is long and shapeless. And I think my hair thinned out after having Danny. This coming Tuesday I have an appointment to get my hair cut and highlighted (by the same wonderful lady who cut and highlighted my hair for my wedding a couple of years ago...) I am so looking forward to it!

Pictures to come. I was trying to get a "before" shot taken today, but lack of makeup and being a bit tired I wouldn't dare post one of those pics out of respect to myself. If I can get myself to slap on some war paint before Tuesday I might get one done.

And although my New Years resolution is to worry and bitch less I guess self improvement on the outside could be included as well. Things are looking up! (and I won't worry about what that stupid weather man said about Tuesdays road conditions - that evil man!)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Little Man Dan

Just recently he has started to play more with his softer toys, rather than his blocks and my pots and pans.

He still loves to climb into the linen cupboard. Sometimes he has to share with one of the cats.

When its nap time the cats take turns on his Winnie the Pooh chair.

He loves that Bee's fur will tickle his nose.

And after putting these pictures together I realized that I don't have a recent picture of Daniel without those darn fingers in his mouth. And suggestions on how to stop him from finger sucking?

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Happy New Year

Wow! Time sure flies when you have a child around. I still can't believe how much Daniel has learned and developed in the last year. Or how much his parents have learned also.
One of Danny's recent hobbies has been taking out each toy from his toy box one at a time and placing them on the floor all around him.

And when he's not torturing the cats he's giving me advice about my hair..."Mommy, get this head band off your head and get a haircut!"

Happy New Year to all. And a Merry (Ukrainian) Christmas!