Tuesday, May 29, 2007

More Kitten Pictures

I know we shouldn't have, but we named the kittens...the fluffy one is Conan, the Black one is Chow Mein and The tortishell is Hendrix. So cute! Wish I could keep them :(

Saturday, May 26, 2007

May...the busiest month

May has always been pretty full of action for my family. With Mother's Day and Victoria Day, we also celebrate two wedding anniversarys and three birthdays. And if that weren't enough I have been bombarded with work. Which I am grateful for, but I am starting to feel like I haven't had a day off in a very long time.

Today I am helping my boyfriend's mom install a wood laminate floor. She was so impressed by the one we installed in our apartment, she just had to ask us for help. But, darn it, my man had to work at his real job today. So me and his mom are gonna find out if we have the muscle to do it ourselves... we're tough ladies, it should be fine.

On another note, one of the stray cats we tend to had kittens and she brought them over the other day. There are four of them. And boy are they cute. Almost makes me want another...I have to keep reminding myself that Stubs, our kitten jumps on me every morning at six, regardless of what day of the week it is. Three cats are enough for our little apartment. Sadly, if we can't find anyone to adopt these little ones we have to take them to the Humane Society. At least there they have a chance of finding good homes.

For some reason, I must look into, I've been taking dark shots with my camera. Anyway, here are some pics of the little ones.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Sometimes it would come in handy

My man and I do not have cell phones. We are not fans of phone conversations. And we are against driving and talking on a cell. However, a cell would have come in handy this morning. My man started a new job this week and he seems excited about it. Getting used to a new schedule is going to take some time though. So things like what happened this morning are not helpful in the least.
The alarm went off at 6:30am. My man got out of bed and ready for work. I stayed in a bit longer since I work later and closer by. Eventually I get up, feed the cats and make my coffee. He had already left by now. So I sit down at my computer and check email and stuff. I look at the time. It's an hour earlier than I had thought... Damn it, somehow the alarm clock was set an hour later, getting us up early.
If my man had a cell I could have called him before he got too far down the road. I tried to rely on the old fashioned way (psychic messaging - lol) but that didn't work. I had only hoped that he would have called by now... I guess he's not going to now. I know its not my fault, but I still feel bad. I think our kitten might have jumped on the clock and hit the time set buttons. At least that's the story I'm sticking to.
For now I can only hope that he isn't too tired today.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Silly Americans...they're from Canada

This article made me chuckle. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/070507/national/us_cda_spy_coins

I wonder why they didn't catch on to the twoonie finger torture device. lol

free graphics

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

New Customer

We got a new customer for our cleaning biz. She came to us after being refered by one of our customers. The only problem is we are based in Richmond Hill, and she is in Toronto. I just hope we can find a nice route to take down, and at least enjoy the ride. And make more money :) You see, I don't feel comfortable taking the 401 or 404 or whatever of the 400 series highways. Yes, people look at me funny when I ask them for non-highway directions. What's ticking me off now is that I use to use Yellow.ca for directions. It use to give me the option of no highway directions. However, I just checked out this new address. No option anymore. I am sad :(

This month is going to be CRAZY! We have Mother's Day of course. Followed by the long weekend (affectionatley called May 24 by us Canadians -- even though it usually doesn't fall on the 24th of May). My boyfriend and I are going to his cousin's cottage for that weekend. On the same weekend are my mom's and Baba's birthdays. Then at the end of the month is my big 3-0!!! My Bro, his girl and me and my man are supposed to get together at Baba's to celebrate my third decade. It should be a fun time! As for June, busy but less so. I'll worry about that once we're into May a bit more.