Monday, December 17, 2007

Just in time for Christmas

We finally got around to painting the bedroom. With the colder weather people seem to be quite sluggish lately. But we got ourselves in gear and painted away.
Here are some pics of how it looked before
(on a previous post)

That green was the bane of my existence. I would wake up every morning in a bad mood having to look at it. But now...

A happy colour. I've been wanting a bedroom this colour for years.

In fact, this hamper is my inspiration for the colour...

Its hard to tell how nice the colour is on the computer. Though it is girly (that's what my man said "It's girly, but as long as your happy with it."). Its pretty cool during the day, the colour changes on the walls, from a pinky purple to more of a lilac in a darker light.

With that done, I am going to put away the paint brushes (thank God!) and try to finish my Christmas shopping (eek!!! only a week to go)!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

After the Storm

This is the view from my living room window last night the storm was just picking up...

This is the view this morning...

Very scary. I thought we were snowed in. But I guess we will be spending the day shoveling. Luckily we don't have to be anywhere today:)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Why, Why, Whine


Why do some drivers tailgate? Do they not realize that something that weighs about 4000Lbs and going 60km/h needs some room to stop? Especially after it rains or snows!

Why do some drivers race to the front when there is a lane closure? Are they more important than the rest of us? You know, us nice people who made the lane change early have places to be too!!

Why do some drivers speed no matter what? Sure we've all done 10 over on occasion (okay maybe on more than one occasion). But if you want to do 100km or over go on the highway. Stay out of residential/school zones with your speed racer. By the way - your morning commute is not a race. Most of the rest of us on the road are just trying to get to work in one piece.

Why, why, why do SO MANY people brake at green lights? Sure scan the intersection. I'm sure you can do this without coming to a stop. If you are doing this because you are lost - pull over and check your map or ask someone. Just get out of the way.

Why do some drivers come to a full and complete stop at a red light, only to decide that there is no cross traffic so they're gonna go through anyway. The light is red for a reason. If the intersection was meant to be used that way there would be stop signs instead of lights. But then again these kinds of drivers probably don't stop at those...they're there for everyone else, right???

That's all the Why, Why, Whining for today.

Monday, November 19, 2007

So Far...

We painted the computer room. Much better!! We are still waiting on the bedroom paint. I want to get it done - yesterday!!!

Here are the pics ...The computer room before

And after...

I'm really liking it. Much cleaner and brighter. Happy, not dungeon-like.

Some art/posters I'm waiting to put up. I am happy that the Monroe poster (custom framed by my dad!!) matches so well with the computer room paint.

Bee heard that I was posting some pics on the blog so she just had to get in there for a shot!

I can't wait to get rid of the dark green....

Monday, November 05, 2007


We finally have the paint to start the computer room and primer for the bedroom. I am so happy I won't have to be in a yucky green room anymore. I painted the computer room trim yesterday, and am feeling a bit sore. (I helped a friend with yard work on Saturday - all the lifting started the soreness). But I can't stop now...I wonder if I'm gonna drive my fiance nuts?!! Because I want everything done

Before and after pics to follow.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Bride of Frankenstein

I had a dream the other morning about my up coming wedding. In the dream my fiance kept seeing me in my dress. My dress was too big and had no shape to it. I still seemed calm in this dream. Finally, I found a mirror and realized I hadn't done my hair and make-up. I didn't look like a bride at all, just everyday no make-up and flat hair. Maybe, I'm just nervous about getting everything together (and I do need a haircut, I keep putting it off). But if I'm nervous now, 7 months before the big day, how nervous will I be a month before? Maybe we should have just eloped!!! LOL

Of course, since I don't recall feeling much stress in the dream - it could just mean that a wedding isn't going to change me. I'm still going to be me, just with a different last name.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Going Crazy

I had been holding my breath waiting for this to happen.

My fiance and I originally wanted to elope. Then we thought of our mothers and grandmothers and thought better of it. Surely these people would have to be with us on our special day.

So we made a guest list of approx. 30 people. Thats plenty big enough for me - I'm shy and quite anxious in crowds. If I'm gonna be the center of attention, then the smaller the group the better for me.

But of course the families start to feel guilty because EVERY member of the family isn't on the guest list. We have to put our foot (feet? lol) down. However, I am willing to compromise with both sides. Each family can add two more couples each to our guest list. End of story. But even still I'm feeling a bit anxious. I don't want to upset anyone. Even if it is my wedding!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Dum Dum DeDum

The wedding plans are coming along thanks to help from our families. We are trying to keep this wedding as inexpensive as possible without it being "cheap". Thanks to the 'venue' (my fiance's mom's house) and the food (Baba's cooking, need I say more). We are already saving a bundle.

A homemade CD will be played at the reception. I just hope I put enough music on it to keep everyone entertained long enough.

I found these really cute DIY invitation kits at the dollar store. If my mom and I can do a good job on them, we will have spend $1 for 5 invites. Sounds better than $1 each, which is pretty much what my online research told me they cost if ordered.

So, I'm guessing but I believe taking care of those two things ourselves saved us a couple hundred dollars. Cha-ching!!

I'm kind of proud about doing this wedding frugally. Especially after watching some of those wedding shows like Bridezilla. Scary stuff. I don't understand why these women turn into spoiled children. Sure it's "their day". Doesn't mean they have to make everyone hate them and spend all that cash.

On one episode I watched the bride kept having mini tantrums everytime she wanted something, which was usually the most expensive of the selections offered her. The poor mom, footing the bill, caved in everytime. Guess we know why her girl is such a little Brat -- "but I'm a princess"...

I didn't find these shows helpful at all. They just made me want to see the groom run and the bride's parents swing her over their knee and give her the spanking she deserved.

I plan on detailing my wedding expenses on this blog - with wedding photos- to show other soon-to-be brides that the real purpose of a wedding is love and family union. NOT to have the largest debt at the start of your new lives together.

For all you formerly frugal brides I would love some suggestions. I'm still wondering about a cake. Party favors and centerpieces (my future mother-in-law did say she has an abundant supply of fake flowers)... please send help :)

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Love Is All You Need

That ^ was my handle on a website called Plenty 0f Fish, an online dating site. I met my man on there...and now after almost 2 years together we are getting married.

May 24th we will have a small ceremony at my future mother-in-law's home. I chose May, because it seems to be somewhat of an unspoken tradition. Both my mom and her mom got married in May. All three of us also have our birthdays in May.

I'm excited and nervous and a bit stressed about the whole thing. I'm sure it would have been easier to run to one of those little chapels of Love for a quicky wedding. I felt some of the family would be disappointed not being able to witness the event. I would've been disappointed not having my family around too. So from a girl who hates weddings (ok, hate is a harsh word - I was just always dateless at the weddings I have attended. Maybe that made me a bit bitter.) I'm trying to plan a nice one.

It is very easy to get distracted from my original plans when I visit some of these wedding planning sites that start guiding us young brides into spending a fortune. So sometimes my Fiance, or my mom must remind me to keep it simple and not add unneeded expenses, like a pro photographer in a time where most people have digital cameras (excepting my technologically deficient parents). That could cost $500 to $1000 from what I have read.

And the food. My very talented Baba has offered to cater the event at the traditional Ukrainian family rate!! I told this to the guy who lives in the basement. He's recently sampled Baba's cabbage rolls and is very happy he's invited to the wedding - just for the food.

So...The officiant is booked. The location is at a family members. Right now I'll just concentrate on getting my dress (the picture is my ideal dress - now to find it for my ideal price). Oh and then what will I do with my hair? And flowers? The guest list? Readings? Oh My!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hello Goodbye

A couple of weeks ago we kidnapped the 6 week old kittens that were born outside. We've had fun socializing them and having cuteness in our front porch. We had hoped that someone would adopt them. We had a "Free Kittens" sign out front and I had posted some pics on Facebook. Lots of neighbours stopped by to see them. Some people on Facebook said they were interested. But alas we still have all three in our front porch. So, sadly today we must go to the Toronto Humane Society, where they are already overloaded with unwanted cats and dogs - and McGuinty isn't helping the matter (see the THS website for more on the lack of concern for animals).
So today I bid a fond farewell to Murray, Jeb and Pie! I hope they find good homes. Oh, and so you don't think we're dumb we are taking in the mommy cat too! I hope Cupid finds a good home too. I'm gonna miss them all.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Summer's going Fast

Wow, August 21 already! Where has the time gone? This summer I didn't get out much, but my man and I went to the nice parks around the area. We watched all the cats grow, and some were born. We moved upstairs into the light. My pops had his birthday - and gained a new library. Man! Do we ever know how to shop for that man :)

My work schedule has been slow. Therefore it has been a case of lots of time, but no money to do much with it. Story of my life :)

There has always been something about the end of August that always makes me feel sad. Kinda like Sundays make me feel. Must be a school day feeling, because I do love Autumn. All the beautiful colours. The ending of a cycle where everything prepares to rest until Spring.

It's what follows in our great country of Canada. Cold and snow. Salt stains in everyone's entry ways. Wearing heavy coats, so even if you do wear a really cute sweater (say that you bought at Value Village for a really good price), Who's gonna see it? The poor strays staying in the cold outdoors. (though my man and I have fixed up a shelter for our guys.) Winter is just not something I look forward to.

For now I will just think for today...looks like rain today, not snow. Perhaps we will be able to go walking in the park after work...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Stubby's Hiding Spot

I love this pic...she looks like an owl.

Finally settling in...

It took 3 full days of cleaning before I was satisfied, but its starting to feel like home now. We've been upstairs now for 17 days, most things have been put in their place. The cats still want downstairs sometimes, but I think they are adjusting well. The only thing left to do is paint. The bedroom and computer room were painted a dark dark green. I am learning to really hate dark green. I have plans though. My man and I have decided that the office will be the light blue that we painted our old bedroom (the one in the basement). And I want the bedroom to be a lilac purple. I'm a lucky girl because my man says I can pick any colour I want as long as its not florescent. Yippee for me!!!

I have plans for the computer room closet. I want to set it up for my Ebay stuff. Should be easy enough...I hope.

It is nice having more space and sunshine. The kitchen skylight is my favourite part. I keep trying to shut the light off in there to conserve energy...

Monday, June 11, 2007

Movin' On Up

Literally. At the end of the month my man and I move upstairs and the current renter moves downstairs. I'm quite excited about the move. There will be more space and sunlight. Easier access to the back deck. Only two things bother me about this move. First, how will the cats react. Stubs and Bee are a bit skitish at times. Tida has already visited upstairs quite often so at least we don't have to worry about her. The second thing is all the hard work we've put into the basement apartment. Oh well, I'd rather be upstairs...where the home improvement projects will continue.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

More Kitten Pictures

I know we shouldn't have, but we named the kittens...the fluffy one is Conan, the Black one is Chow Mein and The tortishell is Hendrix. So cute! Wish I could keep them :(

Saturday, May 26, 2007

May...the busiest month

May has always been pretty full of action for my family. With Mother's Day and Victoria Day, we also celebrate two wedding anniversarys and three birthdays. And if that weren't enough I have been bombarded with work. Which I am grateful for, but I am starting to feel like I haven't had a day off in a very long time.

Today I am helping my boyfriend's mom install a wood laminate floor. She was so impressed by the one we installed in our apartment, she just had to ask us for help. But, darn it, my man had to work at his real job today. So me and his mom are gonna find out if we have the muscle to do it ourselves... we're tough ladies, it should be fine.

On another note, one of the stray cats we tend to had kittens and she brought them over the other day. There are four of them. And boy are they cute. Almost makes me want another...I have to keep reminding myself that Stubs, our kitten jumps on me every morning at six, regardless of what day of the week it is. Three cats are enough for our little apartment. Sadly, if we can't find anyone to adopt these little ones we have to take them to the Humane Society. At least there they have a chance of finding good homes.

For some reason, I must look into, I've been taking dark shots with my camera. Anyway, here are some pics of the little ones.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Sometimes it would come in handy

My man and I do not have cell phones. We are not fans of phone conversations. And we are against driving and talking on a cell. However, a cell would have come in handy this morning. My man started a new job this week and he seems excited about it. Getting used to a new schedule is going to take some time though. So things like what happened this morning are not helpful in the least.
The alarm went off at 6:30am. My man got out of bed and ready for work. I stayed in a bit longer since I work later and closer by. Eventually I get up, feed the cats and make my coffee. He had already left by now. So I sit down at my computer and check email and stuff. I look at the time. It's an hour earlier than I had thought... Damn it, somehow the alarm clock was set an hour later, getting us up early.
If my man had a cell I could have called him before he got too far down the road. I tried to rely on the old fashioned way (psychic messaging - lol) but that didn't work. I had only hoped that he would have called by now... I guess he's not going to now. I know its not my fault, but I still feel bad. I think our kitten might have jumped on the clock and hit the time set buttons. At least that's the story I'm sticking to.
For now I can only hope that he isn't too tired today.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Silly Americans...they're from Canada

This article made me chuckle.

I wonder why they didn't catch on to the twoonie finger torture device. lol

free graphics

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

New Customer

We got a new customer for our cleaning biz. She came to us after being refered by one of our customers. The only problem is we are based in Richmond Hill, and she is in Toronto. I just hope we can find a nice route to take down, and at least enjoy the ride. And make more money :) You see, I don't feel comfortable taking the 401 or 404 or whatever of the 400 series highways. Yes, people look at me funny when I ask them for non-highway directions. What's ticking me off now is that I use to use for directions. It use to give me the option of no highway directions. However, I just checked out this new address. No option anymore. I am sad :(

This month is going to be CRAZY! We have Mother's Day of course. Followed by the long weekend (affectionatley called May 24 by us Canadians -- even though it usually doesn't fall on the 24th of May). My boyfriend and I are going to his cousin's cottage for that weekend. On the same weekend are my mom's and Baba's birthdays. Then at the end of the month is my big 3-0!!! My Bro, his girl and me and my man are supposed to get together at Baba's to celebrate my third decade. It should be a fun time! As for June, busy but less so. I'll worry about that once we're into May a bit more.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Folks are Coming

I'm waiting for my parents to come see our apartment for the first time. My dad just built me a microwave cabinet, and since it wouldn't fit in my car they are dropping it off. Its a good reason to visit. I hope they like the apartment and all our cats :)
Since the weather seems to be cooperating we'll probably take them to one of the parks we frequent. Rosetta McClain park has lots of friendly squirells. The other park, I can't remember the name, has lots of stray cats living in the rocks. Gorgeous cats I must say.
Well, I just hope today goes well.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

I Need Help...

I have been selling on Ebay for a few years now. I usually sell cool stuff found at thrift stores, or stuff my mom or I were collecting, but decide to skim down. I have also sold some of my brother's and my old toys. She-ra dolls and Barbie clothes sell like hot cakes, by the way!!

On the last cleaning spree I found these. I would like to put them on Ebay, but I have no idea what they are called. They are transforming charm necklaces. They are by Galoob, and have a copyright date of 1984, 1985. I have searched on Google with no luck.

So now I plead for help. Does anyone remember what these are called????

Saturday, March 10, 2007

I thought they were all older than me...

For those of you who don't know, I will be the big 3-0 in May. I'm not freaked out by this. Its kind of exciting. Another milestone. Anyway, my brother hit 30 a couple years ago and survived... it really can't be that bad.

I have become a fan of CSI:Miami recently. So has my mom. She has the 2nd and 3rd seasons on DVD. So we were able to play catch up. Horatio rocks! Anyway, when I'm a fan of something I like to find out about the people involved. So I went to the ever growing, easy to use Internet Movie Database ( and looked it up. Well, to my amazement the actors who play Delko and Speedle (Adam Rodriguez and Rory Cochrane) are very close to my age. I've just come to assume that most people on tv must be much older than me. Guess its because I still feel 17. But in a good way.

Another thing I found on IMDB - Rory Cochrane was in the Movie "Dazed and Confused". One of my faves when I was in High School. Man! I didn't even recognize him on CSI. I had to rent the movie, notice Rory right away. Skinny stoner guy with long hair. One on the best characters in the film.

CSI:Miami Rocks! If you haven't already check it out!!!!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Is It Over Yet?

21 days until Spring begins...

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Psycho Kittens and New Recipes

Stubs is doing quite well. But I think with all the snow fall all the cats are hyper. When you're a 4 month old kitten that means you bounce off the walls - literally!!!! Looking at the cuteness of kittens I always forget what a handful they can be. Our little one likes to jump on us while we try to sleep. However, who could stay mad at this face? (well, maybe Tida and Bee - our grown-up cats. )

Now that I am finally not living with any adults (by that I mean parental units - I am almost 30 myself!!! EEEEKK!) I'm finding out that my mom really had a tough job. Planning meals, grocery shopping with a budget, taking care of a husband, cats and kids. Not that its a terrible job, just takes a lot of planning. And I don't yet have the kids to worry about!

Anyway, my point here is that meal planning is becoming a challenge. I enjoy cooking, but having lived with my Baba and Mom for so many years (they are both great cooks) I haven't really been in the kitchen experimenting myself. Lately, I've just been making the same 4 or 5 dishes. In other words I'm getting bored in the kitchen... I'd like to play with some herbs and spices.

I just wondered if anyone has a favorite recipe they would like to share. Perhaps I could post some of our faves for everyone to enjoy. The only rules... keep it cheap and simple (both my budget and kitchen are small) and nothing too spicy (my man can't handle the heat).

I'll start the ball rolling here with a meal idea for you perhaps:

Sweet and Sour Pork Chops

Shake 'n Bake the chops. Cook as directed. Add canned peach halves on top of the chops. You can keep them in the oven for a few minutes, or keep the fruit cold - your preference. Serve with sweet and sour sauce (I just buy a jar of it from the grocery store, you can make your own) poured on top. I like this recipe serve with white rice. Its simple and yummy!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Happy New Year...

Okay, so I'm about a month late with the Happy New Year stuff (or just a couple of weeks if we're counting Ukrainian New Year).
Quite a lot has happened over the last couple of months.

My boyfriend and I had started feeding some stray cats that showed up in the backyard around the end of Summer/beginning of Autumn. There were 4 of them. A mommy and 3 little kittens. Being cat lovers we just couldn't resist feeding them. (We have 2 adults in the house at this point.) This is Sketch, with her head in the bowl and 2 of her kittens Zeus (the grey one) and one of the twins, either Cupid or Stupid.

Though we are able to feed them, we don't have the means to spay and neuter all of them. So naturally one day Stubs appeared. She was about a month old at the beginning of November. I tried to pet her but she was a quick little kitty. As November turned to December my man and I feared that Stubs would die when the weather turned cold. I know! It was really mild at that time here, but it was a good excuse to worry ourselves into adopting her. Could you resist this face?

Stubs is adjusting quite well. Though Tida doesn't want to be happy about it.

A kitten at my boyfriend's place in Scarborough. Me, there most of the time. We finally decided, or rather figured out that I was already practically moved in, so I brought my computer over to make it official. Its been working out pretty well. I have to commute now which sucks. But at least its not too long of a drive back to Richmond Hill.