Monday, August 29, 2011

24 Weeks

At this point I go from feeling big to having dreams that I am not showing at all. Grateful to wake up to visit the bathroom and feel this little kickboxer moving around.

My doctor visit last week went well. It was uneventful which is what we look forward too. She says the baby is growing well. And I am gaining weight the way she wants me not too much too fast! I credit the first child with this. I am running around with him instead of sitting on the computer munching away on peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Mmmmm that sounds good right now.

I told her about falling. Her response was that as long as I fell on my butt the baby should be fine. If anything bad was going to happen it would have happened in the first six hours. She also reminded me not to lift anything during the move. I told her that I am pretty bossy so I will just have to use that skill. She laughed "confessions good for the soul."

With only about 10 days until the move I am suffer a bit of insomnia. I wake to pee and then can't get back to sleep because my brain will not shut off. Usually it is just excited thoughts about moving. Sometimes it start thinking of all the things that still have to get done. I just want to be at the new house now so I can start nesting. Oh My God! The baby will be here in about 16 weeks let's hurry this up now!!

Okay, I promise myself I will try to remain calm and just know that things will happen as they should. Shut the brain off at 4am. If only I could get all these kids songs out of my head!!!


We went to Walmart today and I found this jar of pickles for a really good price. I had to laugh at myself. Six months pregnant and buying a giant jar of pickles. This jar is bigger than the baby I carry :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Visit

We went to visit the new house today. We were happy to note that they had packing boxes all over the place. Aaron was worried they hadn't started packing. Every week when he goes to Ajax he drives past the house. One day they had the garage open and he noticed there were no boxes piled inside. He was a bit concerned. Crazy guy!

Daniel seemed right at home running from bedroom to bedroom. He loves the sliding closet doors. I just love that the closets are huge!

On the way down to the basement I slipped on the stairs. Mom in law and our real estate lady were very concerned but other than my back hurting and a scraped elbow I am fine. I landed on my butt/hip. I think the little guy enjoyed the ride. He started thumping around shortly after. (For all concerned : fetal movement is a great sign that everything is alright!) I will mention this to my OB/GYN on Tuesday when we visit just to double check. I blame the socks I was wearing. I've slid while wearing them before. I promptly threw them in the trash the minute we got home!

On this visit, my third to the house, the rooms looked even bigger than I remember. The more I see it the more I love it. I can't wait to show my parents. We are entitled to one more visit but at this point I think it would just be a tease. We are thisclosetomoveinday. I think I can wait the 19 days.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

23 Weeks

Last Monday we took Daniel in for his vaccine. We were a few months late on it but better late than never. Up until that day we had a wonderful, happy good sleeping, hearty eating little boy. Now we have a miserable, crying, refusing food, saying NO to everything little pod person. From my understanding any side effects of the vaccine are only supposed to last 24 hours tops. He had a fever which broke at around the 24 hour mark.

We thought that it was over. Except all week he has been miserable. Even while visiting his Grandma Gogo. Even while Papa (Ya, we settled on Papa because that is what came out of Danny's mouth while greeting his Grandpa) was working at our house most of the week. He wakes up crying at all hours. I'm running out of ideas and patience. I need sleep too kid!

My dad did point out that he might be teething again. Those darned molars! I know it must be painful. We are all quite frustrated. The little guy seems to want to communicate words he doesn't yet know. And mommy and daddy just want to know how to make it all better so we can have our happy little monkey back.

I was also thinking that he might be feeling a bit of the upheaval of the coming move (about 19 days to go now!!!). Though we are not particularly stressed I guess he might be picking up on it. I haven't really started on packing any of his stuff yet - though I'd really love to tackle it. I think that might have to be a last minute room just to ease him into it.

We will be visiting our new house this weekend (the weekend we were originally suppose to move). I am looking forward to that. Hopefully Dan will be in a good mood for it!

At 23 weeks pregnant I am still small enough to get things done yet big enough to show the world that I am waddling for a good reason. And to wear my maternity jeans :) I feel the little guy kicking a lot more than I remember Daniel kicking. But that could just be me not remembering so well. I go to the doctor on Tuesday for my check-up. Boring routine stuff I guess! Better boring though in this case.

Friday, August 12, 2011

21...22 weeks I swear I grew overnight!

The other morning after getting dressed for work I realized how big I was all of a sudden. I swear it happened overnight. Must be all the exercize he's been getting - while I try to sleep. Which is hard to do with this little creature twisting and twirling and kicking and punching in my belly. Ya, I'm tired but loving it!

Here I was last week.

And just a minute ago (I am wearing the same pants. Notice they are a little more snug this week. I might not be able to wear them next week.):

My customers are starting to notice more now too. They are a lot more comfortable asking me questions about the pregnancy. I told one customer that we are expecting another boy and we both agreed that things should be easier with boys once they hit the teen years than a girl would have been. (She has a very sweet teenage son of her own.) Let us hope so ;)

And let's not forget our dose of Dan! Put a camera in front of this guy and he can't help but ham it up.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

21 Weeks - Was and Is

21 Weeks already! Only this last week seemed to go at a snails pace. Which is weird because I had a lot going on. Work schedule was all over the place. Prepping this house still. Playing with a demanding little toddler who insists on watching Snow White at least once a day. And of course packing and preparing for the big move (33 days to go)!!!

And though I am still facinated with every kick. And I know he is a lot easier to take care of in utero. I still can't wait for the little guy to arrive. Pregnancy has now become a "been there, done that" sort of thing for me. And as long as everything keeps running along smoothly I should shut up and stop complaining ;)

The last time I went to the doctor we further discussed VBAC (vaginal birth after ceasarean) for me. The doctor had obtained my hospital records and I got to find out the whole story of Daniel's c-section arrival. Not only was I not fully dilated but Daniel was facing up (the wrong way). So once he became distressed c-section seemed the safest bet. These facts better my chances for a VBAC. As long as baby doesn't get any bigger than Danny was (8lb 1oz) then I can try for vaginal birth. If not, then a c-section may be scheduled a week before my due date. And though I would love to avoid surgery, an early and planned delivery sounds wonderful.

Wow! I just realized I had gone off topic to my original post theme "Was and Is".

We had thought for no apparent reason at all that this baby was a girl. Heck, we had a name picked out before conception and everything. I had been saving baby girl clothes since high school and even had some hand me downs from my sister in law. If she was a girl her name would have been Sara Jane. Sara was Aaron's great grandmother's name. And I thought Jane sounded pretty with Sara. I later found out Jane is also my aunt's middle name - bonus! A girl was meant to be - NOT!

And so what is...Another amazing and sure to be super cute boy! Early on I had been coming up with boy names that I liked. Aaron was so sure it was a girl I don't think he even bothered to try to agree on any boy names. However, driving home from the ultrasound clinic we started to discuss. And out popped John Jason from my mouth. Right away Aaron agreed. "That sounds good!" John is after my long time hero John Lennon. It's also a classic masculine name (for me it has the same vibe as Daniel - friendly yet manly!). And Jason is for my big brother.

And so when I'm not calling this wild and crazy baby "Thumper" he is get used to hearing John!