Wednesday, September 21, 2011

23 Months

Almost 2 years old and I'm wondering where did the time go?

Daniel has started his reign of terror for independence. Meaning "NO" is his favourite word (even when he means yes he still says no). He pushes mommy and daddy away if he disapproves. Like when its nap time. (Of course he usually falls to sleep minutes after his bedroom door is closed.) He wants to drink from a big boy cup but when he pours it out onto the table and we take it away he gets quite upset.

Ahhhh the adjustment into the terrible twos. I'll just count my blessings that he's been such an easy baby to take care of. I'm hoping we will have it easier than some parents do with their little monsters toddlers.

One month to go my little man. Here comes potty training and big boy beds. Big brotherhood. A ton of learning (For you AND mommy and daddy). New words and experiences. And growing love.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm Perfect

At least my doctor thinks so. I went for my monthly visit today and everything is going well. My glucose test results were great. The doctor seemed particularly impressed with my blood count. Not sure what that means but its good. My blood pressure is normal. I've gained exactly as much weight as she wanted me to. And so far things are looking good for a VBAC. As long as this little guy doesn't decide to have an extreme growth spurt in the next 12-13 weeks and he gets into position when its time then its smooth sailing. Maybe I'm making labour and delivery sound too pleasant. But I do remember that C-SECTIONS SUCK!!!

I'm starting to get really excited about meeting this little guy and introducing him to his big brother.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

27 Weeks

It's slowly coming together. Daniel is happy to finally have a seat at the big table. No more high chair for this guy.

At 27 weeks I finally feel pregnant. Meaning I can't breath. This kid is taking up quite a bit of real estate that used to be occupied by my lungs. And bladder. I'm thinking I might be more into the pregnancy now that I'm not concentrating on moving.

13 weeks to go. For some reason though I think we might meet the little guy sooner. Aaron and I both have a feeling that we are in for another c-section. And if memory serves me correct my doctor said that if scheduled we would probably do that a week before the due date. I'm starting to contemplate whether to just insist on a c-section now or wait it out. I would HATE for it to be another emergency c-section. Guess I've got a couple months to think about it.

One of the great things about the new house is our fenced in backyard. No more do we have to go away to play outside. And I get to watch my guys play from my kitchen window while I make dinner.

I think Daniel has the coolest dad!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Finally...Alone at Last

Don't get me wrong. I love my guys. I just haven't had a moment to myself since I don't know when.
So today I insisted that Aaron take Danny out to explore and leave Mama some time to do her thing.

This morning. At almost 27 weeks pregnant I finally have full length mirrors and I can finally see how pregnant I look.

It will be know problem getting back into shape after that baby is born. We came from a little house where we only lived on one floor. To this much bigger house with three levels.

I am still contemplating where to put the Windsor rocker my dad made for me. At the old house I had it in Danny's room where it was never used. Now that I have space I can show it off and use it on the main floor. But it might look nice in the baby's room. Lucky for Aaron it is a light piece of furniture.

So though I should be relaxing, I can't consider that when there is a whole kitchen that still needs organizing. Hey, to me that is relaxing. Aahhhh I love ME days.

King(s) of the Castle

Yes, we let our son run around outside in his diaper. It is his very own back yard after all.

I know of a couple of ladies who are probably looking at this big yard and plotting out a garden. That will have to wait until next year ladies. And I must leave enough room for a couple of young boys to play. I see a swing set in our near future :)

What I consider chaos!!!

The sentimental side of me wasn't around when more boxes lay in wait to be unpacked. So I didn't capture any pictures on my camera. My dad might have some I will have to steal. The OCD side of me took over and started putting things in their place almost immediately. Since I wasn't allowed to lift anything I had to do something to keep myself for going insane ;)

At my insistance Aaron and Dad set up the dining table (Oh My God! I HAVE A DINING ROOM!) on Friday. I do have a toddler to feed. They thought the table looked nice on that side of the room. I agree, but the light fixture is a safety hazard. Aaron will be moving it as soon as he has a moment.

Ready To Go

Daniel was ready to go on Friday morning. He didn't quite know what he was in for, but he's always up for an adventure.

Aaron managed to get a few important things to the house the night before when we gained possession of the key. You know, like the computers and TV.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

It's On

The REAL countdown is officially on. By this time next week I will be waking up in a new house, hopefully with enough energy to start unpacking and organizing.

Things are getting quite hectic around here. With all the repair/freshening up of this house, the packing, and the toddler chasing I am quite exhausted by the end of the day. That doesn't mean I can sleep through the night ;) This pregnant body won't let that happen.

I am grateful that we are able to keep packed boxes at my mother-in-laws and at Aaron's work (which is only ten minutes from the new house). And I am grateful we have our small moving crew lined up or else I wouldn't be getting any sleep at all.

I must go begin my day. I hear a really cute little man calling for me. And a few more things to go into boxes that I never seem to have enough of. That is boxes that I don't have enough of. Not stuff. I've got plenty of that!!!

Yipee! The end is near!