Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I forgot how uncomfortable "morning sickness" can be. So far nothing has helped in the long term. I can eat, however five minutes later I feel sick again. All day! I just want to sleep through it all. That's not gonna happen with Danny demanding attention and I have work for the next two days.

I am lucky in that I am not actually vomiting. However I feel like it constantly. I learned from my first pregnancy that forcing myself to hug the toilet doesn't work. The nausea will not go away.

I don't remember this much suffering last time but that maybe nature pulling the wool over my eyes so I make more babies. "Only remember the good things..." Like the little kicks. The ultrasound pictures. The excitement!

I asked Aaron to bring me home some butterscotch hard candies when he's done work today. I also told him that if he forgets he will be sent out again to get them. They maybe my only saving grace to get me through work and life for at least the next 6 weeks.

I have tried :
-eating saltines before getting out of bed - that made me feel worse.
-drinking water - as long as the water is cold and I keep it in my mouth I feel fine. Once I swallow, blah again.
-eating anything - once I'm done I'm sick again
-camomile tea - I can't even look at it now

If anyone has some suggestions that I might not have tried I would be happy to hear them. Until then I will try to see if Danny will let me veg on the couch and not get himself into too much trouble.

Monday, April 25, 2011

And now he is 18 months...

This is meal time Mommy style...

This is meal time Daddy style...

I will admit Daddy style looks more fun. However, mommy is the one who washes the floors!!

The little man with mommy. This was at five weeks pregnant. When I only felt really tired - before the 24 hour "morning sickness" kicked in. I really hate that term right now ("morning sickness"). I bet a man came up with that term. Probably the same man who came up with the slogan "Have a happy period!" The best I can hope right now is that, like with my previous pregnancy, once I hit the 12 week mark I felt great! Fingers are crossed.

And this adorable picture of the little man finally wearing the outfit that his Aunty Christy bought him for his birthday. Danny was more into showing off his Elmo sheets - and if you look close you can see his two front teeth.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Waiting Game

I've been meaning to write this post for about a week now but everytime I got around to it I would feel too tired or nauseous. Yep, if that is not a good enough clue for you then how about I peed on a stick again? Yep that's right. We've got baby #2on the way.

This time around Aaron and I swear we knew we were pregnant right away. I read into the signs early this time. Almost right away I had that metallic taste in my mouth. This made me both happy and sad. I'm happy we got pregnant right away but I had hoped this time I would be without the metal madness. And the nausea. I'll just take the increasing nausea as a sign that the babe is growing well.

We are only 6 weeks in so we have quite a way to go. Once again Aaron is telling everyone that we are expecting so I thought I should catch up my peeps on the news. However it may appear that some may already know.

About a week or so before I could confirm with a home pregnancy test my aunt the Empress sent me an email saying that she dreamt I had twin girls. I'm hoping she is right about the sex, but twins may be overwhelming. I guess what ever will be will be and we will be happy about it. As a believer in prophetic dreaming I took this as confirmation that the metallic taste in my mouth was the sign I was looking for.

There's not much more to tell right now. I haven't even seen my ob/gyn yet. According to some websites we will be due on December 16th. The date is close to my sister in laws birthday (on the 9th) and my neice's (on the 12th) so this little one may just share a birthday like big brother Daniel. I'm also hoping for a vaginal birth this time around. Recovering from a c-section when you are a restless soul is hell.

Now that I've informed my peeps I feel much relief. I will likely keep the news off Facebook for now, but whatever! Woo hoo to #2!

Monday, April 11, 2011

How could I...

Write a post without adding a picture of our little super model?

I can't stop using my game show voice...

because we bought a (game show voice here:) NEW CAR. Well, new to us anyway.

(Ignore the construction fence in the background. They are finally doing something with that property next door. But they sure are taking their time with it!!)

It's a 2007 Honda Civic. And it drives like a dream (especially after driving our 1998 Corolla that needs shocks and alignment and who know what else. Hey wanna buy a car real cheap??? LOL)

I also learned today that I am now a pro at putting in Danny's car seat. It took me about an hour when we first bought it. When I transfered it to this car it took maybe a minute or two.

Now to enjoy our day. It actually feels/smells like spring today. I am ignoring the weatherman's reports for tomorrow (covers ears and sings "Lalalalalalalala").

I hope you are all enjoying the smells of spring and maybe even new car! ;)