Tuesday, October 23, 2012


He is obsessesed with ABC’s and numbers. When he stares at the clouds he doesn’t see animals or buildings. “Look up there, Mommy! ‘A’”

He loves to go for walks and says Hi to most who pass by, even if they don’t respond. He loves to be tickled. He also loves to tickle me and his little brother. (daddy’s lucky he isn’t ticklish)

He’s learning to cook – having made his first batch of sugar cookies. I guess he decided he was an expert because a few days ago he helped himself to the food colouring and poured all of the blue into his homemade playdough. Daddy caught him before he could really make a mess. He wants to drive even though he can’t reach the pedals. Or see over the steering wheel for that matter.

He’s been practicing for this day for almost a month making “cakes” by stacking toys and singing “Happy to me, happy to me” then blowing out an imaginary candles. Today Daniel is 3. Time goes by fast. Three years is a short time yet I can’t imagine life without my little cuddle bug.

Oh ya! And a very happy birthday to my wonderful husband with whom I also can’t imagine life without. October 23rd is a beautiful day. <3

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Big boy

I’m in awe that in less than 2 weeks Daniel will be 3 years old. Although (we feel) we’ve been treating him like an older child, forgetting that he is still only 2 it feels like a real big deal to me that he will soon be 3.

Daniel is finally getting this potty training deal. Yes, he still goes in his diaper a lot but he’s also very proud when he gets it in the potty. High fives all around. Hugs and kisses too. And the occasional treat of ice cream. (that last one is his Daddy’s idea – usually because Daddy wants a treat too.)

Daniel has been practicing for his big day. He made a “cake” by stacking some toys and then sang “Happy to you, Happy to you” before blowing out an imaginary candle. It was a sweet moment. We both look forward to the real thing.

It is so difficult for me to describe the pride and love that I feel for him when he learns a new skill. Or talks in complete-ish sentences. Or when he pees in the potty and beams with pride at his accomplishment. Or when he gives me hugs and kisses. And when he tells me he loves me. Xoxox little man Dan!

Daniel made cookies for the first time this past weekend (with a little help from his mommy).

Hey Daniel I think that cookie needs more icing.

As he ate his cookies his only comment was "MMMMMmmmm...mmmmmmm...good!"

Perfect Ten

My prediction that he would be walking by now was wrong. Not for lack of trying on his part. I’m going to let him take his time. No more predictions other than he will be a rock star. Our rebel. Our wild child. That’s not really a prediction I guess. He is our rock star!

John has cut a couple more teeth. We’re up to a count of 8. Four on the top four on the bottom. And he likes to use them. He’s bitten my shoulder countless times. And fingers? He loves to chew on fingers.

John is starting to “talk” a lot. Often mimicking his big brother and vice versa. They like to practice screaming and squealing to my great delight – NOT!

The boys are already wrestling. I thought I had a few years until that would happen.

John loves his food. His favourties are peas and sweet potato. Though he doesn’t seem to mind meat at all. Bring on that chicken.

He’s sleeping on a regular schedule now. Sometimes I will hear him around 4am but he settles himself back down which is a relief.

John is quite a character. When Daniel gets in trouble this little baby actually laughs. Isn’t that crazy?

John is the peek-a-boo champion of Ontario. Just give him a blanket and a friendly face and he’s off to the races.

Though part of me longs for lighter chores (no bottles or diapers –eventually) I also don’t want him to grow up too fast. But it always goes too fast. That’s life.