Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Summer's going Fast

Wow, August 21 already! Where has the time gone? This summer I didn't get out much, but my man and I went to the nice parks around the area. We watched all the cats grow, and some were born. We moved upstairs into the light. My pops had his birthday - and gained a new library. Man! Do we ever know how to shop for that man :)

My work schedule has been slow. Therefore it has been a case of lots of time, but no money to do much with it. Story of my life :)

There has always been something about the end of August that always makes me feel sad. Kinda like Sundays make me feel. Must be a school day feeling, because I do love Autumn. All the beautiful colours. The ending of a cycle where everything prepares to rest until Spring.

It's what follows in our great country of Canada. Cold and snow. Salt stains in everyone's entry ways. Wearing heavy coats, so even if you do wear a really cute sweater (say that you bought at Value Village for a really good price), Who's gonna see it? The poor strays staying in the cold outdoors. (though my man and I have fixed up a shelter for our guys.) Winter is just not something I look forward to.

For now I will just think for today...looks like rain today, not snow. Perhaps we will be able to go walking in the park after work...