Sunday, February 26, 2012

Brotherly Love

The older John gets the more he looks like his big brother did at this age. Man! We make adorable babies.

Daniel is becoming quite the big brother. He was helping me feed John by holding the bottle. And then whipping it out of his mouth! Yesterday Dan tried to pick up the baby. With my help he managed and seemed quite satisfied with the brotherly hug.
Most of the time he will just lay with the baby on the play mat. John loves to watch Daniel and will smile and giggle when ever Daniel is near. Except when his bottle is being whipped out of his mouth :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

11 Weeks and 28 months

The boys are amazing. Sometimes I still can't believe I am MOMMY!!!
Johnny is growing like a weed. His face is changing everyday. He is almost able to roll over by himself and is almost sleeping thru the night. Our big wish as his parents is for him to sleep through so we can too.

Danny is learning tons. It seems that everyday he learns a new word or says yet another sort of sentence. He knows his shapes, letters and numbers to ten. Not always in the right order - but we are proud anyway.

There has been some regression with competing with his little bro, but it has been a way better transition than I expected.

The little one is calling me so I must go now. Enjoy the pics!

Wednesday, February 08, 2012