Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's Spring!

I am very happy it is finally spring. Even though we had a mild winter here in Ontario it was still winter. The one season I could do without. Cupid agrees. She cries to get out knowing it is spring.

She looks for her little friends. Makes sure there are no trespassers on her yard.

But it is still to cold to stay out for long. Not five minutes later she is at the door crying to come in.


Smiley Guy

I still don't understand how my husband can be grumpy in the morning when we are greeted by this face.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Giant

Little D is growing like a weed, as they say. He is only 21 weeks (or 5 months if you prefer) and he is already wearing 6-12 month sleepers. And they are snug on him. I'm not really concerned. I was a big baby like Little D and now I'm average size. And with stores like Value Village around I can get great deals on baby clothes. And of course donate what I am willing to let go of (which is not much - I'm thinking of our future sibling for D...;) ).

I've been calling him Babyzilla.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Appreciating Nap Time

When the little man was still newborn someone told me that though I felt he was a lot of work, having a child would only become more work as he grows older and starts moving around.

Little D is now rolling from his back to his belly. He hasn't mastered rolling back yet. Which makes him moan once he's been on his belly for too long.

He is vocalizing A LOT. And loudly. And he sounds like he's in pain or uncomfortable. But he's just playing, holding his toy monkey in the air while he squeals. I like to call this game King Kong. Once I realize he's just playing I am quite relieved.

He's teething. Which means lots of drool and crankiness. And (once again - I say it a lot since D has been born) time sure flies. This coming Friday he will be five months old. Which means he might have some teeth next month!

Tending to him is wonderful. And a lot of work (which is the main reason I haven't written on here very often lately), which is why I appreciate nap time. A little bit of me time.

I hear him starting to wake up now...