Friday, December 16, 2011

Eight days a week

I meant to write this yesterday, John's first full week on the outside, but such is life with a newborn. (I actually had to leave the computer for half an hour there to tend to the little guy).

Our first week has been surprisingly easier than I expected. Most likely because we've been through this before and Daniel's birth was by c-section. I am so happy that I was able to give birth vaginally this time. Recovery was/is a billion times easier. Other than peeing every 1/2 hour I'm not doing too bad.

John is a good eater. Monday, at his newborn assessment he had gained almost all his birth weight back. He is a nice shade of pink. And he did not have to suffer through jaundice blood tests like his older brother did.

What else can I say about a newborn? He sleeps, eats and pees and poops. And he's adorable.

Daniel is adjusting quite well. He does have his moments which is too be expected. We try to give him the attention he craves and help him to learn that his little brother needs us too. Luckily as long as John's needs are met he doesn't mind us spending lots of time chasing Dan around the house.

And its seems like almost over night Daniel's vocabulary has expanded a hundred fold. I am (pleasantly) shocked to hear some new words come out of his mouth. He still hasn't said John, but he has said "happy baby". He also said yes when I asked him if he likes John. That's a good sign.

He pats John's head when I ask him to be gentle.

I call this my Christmas miracle. One week after giving birth I fit into my (PMS) jeans. Non-maternity clothes already!

Although we won't know for sure until he's about a year old, I think John's eyes look rather blue already. Daniel's eyes were almost black at this age. So I'm thinking super cute brothers - one with light hair and dark eyes. The other dark hair with blue eyes. Watch out ladies!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

V for Victory

We avoided a c-section :D

Well it seems that the false labour I wrote about last entry was closely leading up to the big finale. December 7th at 4am I started having regular contractions about 10 to 15 minutes apart. Nothing killer but definitely noticeable. So much so that I called my mom at 8 that morning and had Aaron pick her up to be here for Daniel when/if we had to go to the hospital. Daniel was in heaven. Gogo was here at his beck and call. Gogo was in heaven too at least before Danny exhausted her.

Anyway, while Aaron drove to Richmond Hill to pick up my mom the contractions stopped and I felt bad that mom was coming for no reason and Aaron was missing work. They picked up again a couple of hours later. I couldn't help but ask mom, could it be soon? Or are they gonna disappear again and I'll have to wait another week for this kid to enter the world. There really is no way of knowing for sure and that was killing me. I'm a planner and this was something I couldn't plan!!

I spent the day chilling with mom. Timing contractions. Watching movies and tv. Wasn't such a bad day. Went to bed around 9:30 hoping for the best.

As soon as I lay down the contractions became more intense but they were still too far apart to go to the hospital. Finally at about 1am I called Triage just to make sure that they didn't want me to come in. No, I should wait!

I lay back down. About half hour later I had one doozy of a contraction and my water broke. I hoped out of bed waking Aaron "Ahhhh my water broke." I actually hopped in the shower and began experiencing the contractions that I had only heard about (I didn't feel a thing with Daniel's labour!). Made it out of the shower called triage back and confirmed that I should come in to be assessed.

I was 4cm dilated when I arrived at the hospital. My doctor had suggested I wait as long as possible for my epidural and I told the nurse this. They moved me to the delivery room and I began to demand my epidural - LOL! The nurse kept telling me not to push but I couldn't stop. They checked me out again and thankfully I was fully dilated. Pushing commenced and my little John was born at 4:34am on December 8th.

The date is very significant too. John is named for John Lennon. And December 8th, as a lot of you know is the date that he died.

(I sense I feeding coming on and I'm too tired for more at this moment. I know you want more pics and they will come as soon as I can get to it. Not to worry I am snapping lots!!)

Tuesday, December 06, 2011


So I have been having false labour contractions almost every morning at around 3am for the past four days or so. The cramping isn't so intense as to make me wake Aaron but enough to wake up myself and then get excited. I check the clock and then try to fall back to sleep. Of course a million thoughts run through my mind. Who should we call to watch Danny? How long should I wait to call the hospital? Should I bother waking up Aaron? Why won't Aaron stop snoring? Okay try to sleep...

Today I went to my weekly doctors appointment which wasn't scheduled until 3:20pm. God, I hate afternoon appointments. I wait around all day knowing there is somewhere I have to be at 3:20pm. Ya, big deal right? It bugs me!! Especially the anticipation of todays appointment. The doctor checked me out. I am now one whole centimeter dialated. Things are happening. She is quite sure I will not go past my due date. In fact we aren't even sure I will make it to next weeks appointment.

Oh the joy. The end is near. We will soon meet our newest family member. An extraordinary early Christmas present for sure!!!

Thursday, December 01, 2011

15 Days to go

More or less. I went to the doctor on Tuesday. Normal checks for blood pressure et al. She asked if I'd had anything contractions yet. Since I've only had Braxton Hicks and nothing else significant she is waiting for our next appointment before doing an internal to check for effacement and dialation and all that fun stuff.

I am trying to rest as much as possible in preparation for this birth but I'm finding it very difficult. For one I am home with Daniel alone a lot right now as Aaron is working my job as well as his own. 2 year olds can be quite exhausting. Luck for me he's so sweet and cute.

And then there are the 101 things I'd like to get done before baby's arrival. Somethings with pregnancy brain I forget what those things are...until about 3am.

Which brings me to the insomnia. I fall to sleep just fine. Once I have to visit the bathroom at about 2 or 3am I cannot fall back to sleep thinking of a billion different things I have to do/look forward to/imagine.

Today though I think I will force myself to nap when Daniel does. Funny how it is sometimes easier to sleep in the afternoon than it is at 3am.