Saturday, July 30, 2011

Water Baby

Daniel's first time putting his feet in the lake. He cried as we dragged him away from the beach.

He really enjoys the seesaw. (That's me and my bump at 20 weeks).

Friday, July 29, 2011


Boy! (Tee Hee) This little guy sure likes to kick. I do not remember Daniel beating me as much as this little guy. I have taken to calling him Thumper.

It was kind of weird finding out the sex. I thought I might be disappointed if it was a boy. We were so sure he was a girl. When the tech told us "It's a boy!" I laughed and said "wow, we thought it was a girl." He replied, "Sorry I can't change that for you." I told him that we're happy just surprised. As long as we are healthy. And it's true. Just knowing the sex made the baby more real. And that has made me more excited about this little guy.

When I got home from the ultrasound I sorted all the baby clothes and ended up giving the pink stuff to the neighbour. For all you curious about the plans for our family, we decided long ago that no matter what the sexes two children would be plenty.

Is it possible to have too much sweetness? Just one more please :D

This is my belly at 19 weeks (yes, I am one week behind on the pics. My belly isn't that big yet.)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's a Boy

Well, all of our predictions were wrong. No pink frills in my future.

I did have a dream this morning that we were late for our appointment and in our rush a pregnant friend of mine was giving birth in the back seat of our car. She ended up having twin boys. Which were the size Daniel is now and running around. Toddler sized newborns. What strange dreams pregnancy brings. Perhaps my dream was telling me that I'm carrying a boy.

And a hyper boy at that. I have been feeling him move around for quite a few weeks now. He also thumped when my ob/gyn was checking out his heart rate. And he kept moving around when the ultrasound tech was trying to get a look at him. And he just kick me right now.

Here are some of his modeling shots from today:

I did tell Aaron and my mom that if we had another boy one of them would be wearing girly stuff!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

I just keep counting down (18 weeks)

With so much to look forward to this year I am trying to countdown to the next closest thing to keep myself from exploding. Right now it is my next ultrasound. I found a countdown app for my igoogle page and currently have 8 days, 3 hours and 14 minutes until I get a second peek at this little gymnast. I can't wait. However I am a bit anxious that they won't tell me the sex of the baby. Hopefully we can arrange things so that Aaron can be there with me and if the tech gives us problems he can muscle it out of them ;)

This little one seems to be kicking more often than Daniel did. I have a feeling she's going to be like me (My mom told me that I kicked like crazy!). Which means we are in for it - LOL.

I still look about the same as I did last week. I was comparing my belly photos from last pregnancy and I seem to be carrying the same as then. Maybe a little more obvious this time but still quite compact! 17 Weeks last pregnancy

It has been so warm and humid here that I haven't even bothered to wear my maternity pants. I've just been in drawstring shorts. And though I love the warm weather part of me craves a costume change!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Could he be any cuter?

The other day I took Daniel to the play center. I think its good for him to get to be around other kids. Usually what happens is that Daniel or the other child will push and that will be the end of the interaction. Which is what happened with most of the kids and Daniel that day.

One older girl thought that because he is a "baby" that she would take it upon herself to play with him like a doll. Little D wasn't putting up with her. He pushed her. Her response was to stand really close to him which made him push her again. This scene continued a couple of times with this older girl telling him not to push. I was ready to push her myself but I held myself back. This is real life and Dan will have to get used to it.

On to the cute part.

There was another little boy at the play center around Daniel's age. Amazingly, for their age group they actually clicked. They went into the play house together. The little boy, Brenden, smacked the wall. Danny smacked the wall. They both giggled and ran out. Each little boy got into a toy car. Brenden would bump his car into Daniel's and again they would both start to giggle. This is the closest I have seen Daniel actually playing with another child. According to the articles I've read kids his age don't really play together. I thought these two were great together. Perhaps old friends from a life before this one?! Hopefully they will meet again!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011


a picture of me at 17 weeks. Slowly rounding out. Meaning I'm having a heck of a time getting comfy at bedtime.

And Daniel is packed and ready to go to the new house. When I brought home the bins from Walmart on Friday he played with them for about three hours. First he would climb in and out closing and opening the lid. And then the game turned into putting all of our shoes in and taking them all out. Repeat until bedtime. Wow if I knew they would keep him so occupied I would have bought him bins for his birthday :)

Friday, July 08, 2011

17 Weeks

I haven't got a picture yet today. I just woke up and taking a picture of me at his moment could be a scary prospect.

I am feeling kicks daily now. And I'm loving it. I am still tired which I had hoped would subside a bit in the second trimester but I guess with the humidity, a toddler and house prepping chores its to be expected. That doesn't stop me from having insomnia on some nights. Like the night before last. Stupid thoughts coursing through my brain preventing me from falling back to sleep. That left me pretty moody yesterday but luckily I was with my mom who's presence works better than any antidepressant I've ever heard of.

And though I am disappointed about the delay in our move I am looking at the positives. We will have a little more time to pack and prepare. And maybe it will be a little cooler so all my slaves movers will be more comfortable.

Today has been designated as "my day". Aaron and I take a day on alternating weeks as our own. On his days I usually take Danny to visit Grandma Gogo and Baba in Richmond Hill so he can do his thing at home (play video games). On my days I go to RH to hang out with my mom. Usually thrift store shopping, yapping and the sort.

Today is a Walmart day. I'm planning on buying some storage bins to help organize some of our things for the move (and after). I will actually have some room for storage in our own home at the new house. What a thrill!! :)

And now for your dose of cuteness, presenting the most adorable boy on the planet : Daniel!

Wow! Just think in about 23 more weeks I will have cuteness times two!

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

A bit of disappointment

There has been a delay in our move. I am a bit disappointed, but what's a girl to do. We are now moving on September 9th instead of August 19. My main concern is that my belly will be bigger and I'm not sure how much I will actually be able to do myself. I'm of the belief that if you want something done right you gotta do it yourself. Guess I'll just have to practice my bossing skills.

On another note, Daniel has been removing his diaper at night and then calls us into his room to change him. This usually happens after peeing his bed. It has been so warm lately that we really don't want to put him in too many clothes (we had been putting him in onsie pjs backwards to deter him from removing them). This evening he did it again and this time peed on his favourite blanket. So now he is in bed crying as his blankie is being washed. I had hoped he would get over it but it doesn't sound like it. Let's just hope the spin cycle hurries on up. Mommy feels like crying too.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

16 Weeks

It's been hard for me to keep you all up to date on the old blog. With a toddler running around, prepping the house for sale and packing for the big move and being pregnant I'm usually exhausted when I do find a moment to rest. So I am taking my time today (I've already cleaned for one of my clients this morning and Danny is napping. Oh! AND my lovely hubby is making me some food!!).

Finally, a prego picture of me from this pregnancy. I was obsessed with the first. Taking a picture every week from week 12. This time I realized just because I felt pregnant I didn't necessarily look it. So I have waited until now. The rounding of the belly has begun. And I cannot remember what the heck I wore at this stage when carrying Danny. So I pretty much I have two outfits at this time. Time to shop I guess. :)

I have already been feeling some movement for a couple of weeks now. And I'm loving it.

And how could I resist...Danny realizes that daddy has some big shoes to fill.